What does WCMN medical abbreviation mean?

What does WCMN mean in medical terms?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of WCMN abbreviation. However, what does WCMN mean in medical terms?

What is WCMN medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation WCMN is World Comfortable Medicine Network.

WCMN: World Comfortable Medicine Network

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACMSAAllegheny County Medical Society Alliance
AHWGAdolescent Health Working Group
AMMAAmerican Medical Massage Association
AMSWAirlangga Medical Scientific Week
AOSApraxia of speech
Ad libAt liberty. For example, a patient may be permitted to move out of bed freely and orders would, therefore, be for activities to be ad lib.
BMSPBloodless Medicine and Surgery Program
BREATHBridging Resources to Encourage Asthma Treatment and Health
CEHOChibolya Education and Health Organization
CENCertified Emergency Nurse
CHANTCommunity Hospitals Acting Nationally Together
CNVMChoroidal Neovascular Membranes
COLDchronic obstructive lung disease
CPSSContinuous Patient Surveillance System
CRPRCCalifornia Regional Primate Research Center
CSFHCollege Success for Healthcare
DAHHDepartment of Ayurveda and Holistic Health
DCSDorsal Column Stimulation
DHCDCDowntown Hampton Child Development Center (Hampton, VA)
DIDdissociative identity disorder
DMREDiploma in Medical Radiology and Electrology
DTIMDutch Tumor Immunology Meeting
DUBdysfunctional uterine bleeding
EPAenvironmental protection agency
ESMDElectronic Submission of Medical Documentation
FAPAFellow of the American Psychological Association
FBHFrontier Behavioral Health
FMSfibromyalgia syndrome; full mouth series
FVEAFundacion Valenciana de Estudios Avanzados
GCCHGarden City Cat Hospital
GHEMSGlobal Health Education in Medical Schools
GLBTGay Lesbian Bisexual Or Transgender
GMAGeneral Medicine Addiction
GNIDgram-negative intracellular diplococci
HAGCHealth Alliance of Greater Cincinnati
HGECHospital Geral do Exercito de Curitiba
HICUHighlands Intensive Care Unit
IMOIntelligent Medical Objects
ISQImplant Stability Quotient
Kiddie-SADS-ESchedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Aged Children, Epidemiologic Version
LBLMLaryngoscope Blade Levering Motion
LHILead Hazard Information
LIMALeft Internal Mammary Artery
M-SpikeMonoclonal Spike
MAmental age; medical assistance
MAPBMedical Arts and Photography Branch
MCBFMucociliry Beat Frequency
MIRFMedical Industrial Radiation Facility
MPIDMolecular Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
MSDLMicroSuspension Direct Laryngoscopy
NHPnursing home placement
NMMBNew Mexico Medical Board
NOnitric oxide
OMSSOrthodontic Measurement and Simulation System
PASSIProgramme d’Accès aux Services de Santé pour les Immigrants
PCBFPatient/Care-Based Funding
PDNEPatient Doctor New Era
PGHTPrecursor Growth Hormone Transdermal
PHSTPublic Health Study Tour
PSMSPhysical Self-Maintenance Scale
PWBpartial weight bearing
QAHSQueensland Academy for Health Sciences
RCHIRural and Community Health Institute
RCPARetail Chemist Prescription Audit
RPHSRural Primary Health Services
SATserum agglutination test
SIWself-inflicted wound
SJWQShiffman-Jarvik Withdrawal Questionnaire
SOAShortness of Air (replaces “SOB” — shortness of breath — in some records)
SPMHSSpecialist Perinatal Mental Health Service
STAHSubtotal Abdominal Hysterectomy
SUIstress urinary incontinence
SWAMPSimply Wonderful Apparatus for Measuring Pulses
TBVTotal blood volume
TECTubular Epithelial Cell
TMCRTracheal Mucus Clearance Rate
TMFTennessee Medical Foundation
TPDCTucson Postpartum Depression Coalition
UGTUridine 5’-Diphospho-Glucuronosyl Transferase
VFVentricular Fibrillation
VINJVein Institute of New Jersey
WCNWorld Congress of Neurology
WCVHWeston Creek Veterinary Hospital (Australia)
WGHCWeirton Geriatric Health Complex
WOFAPSWOrld Federation of Association of Pediatric Surgeons
YIHLAYufong International Health Literacy Award
YNHHYale New Haven Health
cTnTcardiac troponin T
cm2square centimeter

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