What is the meaning of VMT medical abbreviation?

What does the abbreviation VMT mean in medical terms?

In some cases, the abbreviation VMT may have a few different meanings. However, what is the meaning of the medical term VMT?

What is VMT medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical term VMT stands for Vanguard Medical Technologies.

VMT: Vanguard Medical Technologies

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACSWAssociate Clinical Social Worker
AGMTAfrican Genomic Medicine Training
AMIAcute Myocardial Infarction; Anterior Myocardial Infarction
AMLTMedical Laboratory Technology
APUAAlliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics
BAVBicuspid Aortic Valve
BPPVbenign paroxysmal positional vertigo
BTICBrain Tumor Initiating Cell
CMIRCurrent Medical Imaging Reviews
COCscombined oral contraceptives (estrogen and progestin)
CPHLCentral Public Health Laboratories
CSAcyclosporin A; central sleep apnea; Controlled Substances Act
CSTcontraction stress test; Certified Surgical Technologist
CTCcomputed tomographic colonography; circulating tumor cell; common toxicity criteria; chlortetracycline
CWUcanal wall up
DABFDescending Aortic Blood Flow
DNKAdid not keep appointment
DOHdepartment of health
DOPTdirectly observed preventative therapy
DRDiabetic Retinopathy
EDRCEpidemiology Data Resource Center
EIA Uenzyme immunoassay unit
EMMExperimental Molecular Medicine
ENHAEuropean Nutrition for Health Alliance
EPSTDEarly Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment
FBSFasting Blood Sugar
FCUflexor carpi ulnaris
FMGEForeign Medical Graduates Examination
GAFglobal assessment of functioning
GLOWMGlobal Library Of Women’s Medicine
GPHPGraduate Public Health Program
GPLIgG phospholipid unit
H fluhemophilus influenzae
HIMRHealth Information Management Reimagined
HUHolding Unit
I&DIncise and Drain
IPEMInstitute for Physics and Engineering in Medicine
IPPintermittent positive pressure
IRVinspiratory reserve volume
ISMHInternational Society of Men’s Health
JDRHJoint Department of Reproductive Health
KDOQIKidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative
KLSkidney, liver, spleen
L-Rleft to right
LGVlymphogranuloma venereum
LNULocal Neonatal Unit
MGPSMedical Gas Pipeline System
MHRSMental Health Related Services
MIXMedical Innovation Xchange
MSDSmaterial safety data sheet
MSRTMedical Student Research Training
MSSRMedical Students For Social Responsibility
NHMRCNational Health and Medical Research Council
NIHnational institutes of health
NIPENewborn and Infant Physical Examination
NNRTInon-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
PBSCTperipheral blood stem cell transplantation
PEEPpositive end expiratory pressure
PUBSpercutaneous umbilical blood sampling
PharmDDoctor of Pharmacy
QWLquality of work life
RAEright atrial enlargement
RBRVSresource-based relative value scale
RCFright cubital fossa
RCoARoyal College of Anaesthetists
RSCright subclavian
ReRhenium (element)
SAHSub-Arachnoid Hemorrhage
SANEsexual assault nurse examiner
SCPMScholl College of Podiatric Medicine
SDMHSocial Determinants of Mental Health
SEMIsubendocardial myocardial infarction
SMEsignificant medical event; subject matter expert
SSSjogren’s syndrome
SUDJDSudanese Journal of Dermatology
TEFtracheoesophageal fistula
UAUrine Analysis; also Uric Acid
UPEPUrine Protein Electro-Pheresis
VEBventricular ectopic beat
VOverbal order
bpmbeats per minute
e-MARelectronic medication administration record
hnRNPheterogeneous nuclear RNP

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