What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation UPK?
The UPK abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what does the UPK medical term stand for?
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What does UPK medical abbreviation stand for?
In medical field, the UPK medical term stands for Universitäre Psychiatrische Klinken (Basel).
UPK: Universitäre Psychiatrische Klinken (Basel)
Related Medical Abbreviations
AGD | Anogenital Distance |
AML | Acute Myelogenous Leukemia |
AOEC | Asian Oceanian Epilepsy Congress |
APSMC | Andhra Pradesh State Medical Council |
AYH | Align Your Health |
BCCTP | breast and cervical cancer (treatment) program |
BJP | Bence Jones Protein |
BMH | Bioethics and Medical Humanities |
BOSIET | Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training |
BSI | blood stream infection; body substance isolation |
BTBV | beat to beat variability |
CADTH | Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health |
CAND | Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors |
CCNU | lomustine |
CEMCH | Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health |
CESHA | Centre for Excellence in Skeletal Health Assessment |
CHBS | Community Health Behavioral Services |
CLHT | Certificate in Leadership for the Healthcare Transformation |
CMC | carpo metacarpal |
CMTW | Chinese Medicine That Works |
CSH | combat support hospital |
CTR | carpal tunnel release |
CUNT | Clit Undergoing Normal Trauma |
CUm | cubic micron |
CV | cardiovascular; curriculum vitae |
D/NS | dextrose in normal saline |
DCAP-BTLS | deformity, contusions, abrasions, punctures/penetrations, burns, tenderness, lacerations, swelling |
DON | director of nursing |
DORWG | Diabetes and Obesity Research Working Group |
EBMA | European Board of Medical Assessors |
ECEP | Eastern Carolina Emergency Physicians |
ECOE | Epilepsy Centers Of Excellence |
FAI | functional assessment inventory |
FHC | family health center |
FRCP | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians |
GIF | graphics interchange format |
HCVD | hypertensive cardiovascular disease |
IBDQ | Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire |
IMPRC | Icelandic Medicine Pricing and Reimbursement Committee |
IVR | idioventricular rhythm; interventional radiology |
JVD | Jugular Venous Distention |
LETZ | loop electrosurgical excision procedure |
LSIL | low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion |
MFC | medial femoral condyle |
MI | Myocardial Infarction |
MIMD | Mountain Integrated Medical Devices |
MRA | magnetic resonance angiography |
MRHS | Morningside Retirement and Health Services |
O&G | obstetrics and gynecology |
OHMA | Occupational Health Medical Adviser |
P&R | pulse and respiration |
PAH | para-aminohippurate; polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon |
PASP | pulmonary artery systolic pressure |
PCS | procedure coding system |
PI | principal investigator; protease inhibitors; performance improvement; perfusion index; peripheral iridotomy; present illness; previous illness |
PPW | pre-pregnancy weight |
PSBR | PA Society for Biomedical Research |
R.B.C. | red blood cells |
R0 | basic reproduction number (R naught) |
RES | reticuloendothelial system |
RK | radial keratotomy |
RUD | right uterine displacement |
SAT | serum agglutination test |
SCFE | slipped capital femoral epiphysis |
SCLE | subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus |
SIVP | slow intravenous push |
SMOST | Summary of Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment |
T Bili | total bilirubin |
TAB | Threatened Abortion; also Therapeutic Abortion |
TKR | Total Knee Replacement |
TNBP | transurethral needle biopsy of prostate |
Tib | tibial |
UDS | Urodynamic Study |
UUN | urine urea nitrogen |
VAX | Vaccine |
VPC | ventricular premature contraction |
WD/WN | well developed, well nourished |
ZDF | Zucker Diabetic Fatty |
ZSMU | Zaporizhia State Medical University |
cTnI | cardiac troponin I |
cal | calorie |
decub | decubitus (lying down) |
nCi | nanocurie |
o.m. | every morning (omni mane) |
pM | picomolar |
pat | paroxysmal atrial tachycardia |
q2h | Every 2 hours. As in taking a medicine every 2 hours. |
qPM | Each evening. As in taking a medicine each evening. |
sp. Gr. | specific gravity |
syph | syphilis |
trach | tracheotomy; trachea(l); tracheostomy |