What is SOD BENZOATE medical abbreviation?

What does the abbreviation SOD BENZOATE stand for in medical terms?

In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of SOD BENZOATE. However, what is the meaning of the medical term SOD BENZOATE?

What does SOD BENZOATE stand for in medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation SOD BENZOATE is Sodium Benzoate.

SOD BENZOATE: Sodium Benzoate

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AADSASAmerican Association of Dental Schools Application Service
ACTMDAssociation Canadienne des Thérapeutes en Médecines Douces (French: Canadian Association of Therapists in Complementary Medicine)
AMSWAirlangga Medical Scientific Week
AVSGAdvanced Veterinary Specialty Group
BHRRTBehavioral Health Rapid Response Team
BPRBleeding Per Rectum
C-3fhird cervical vertebrum
CASLComputer Aided Systems Laboratory
CBISCenter for Biomedical Imaging Statistics
CPAHCenter for Physical Activity and Health
CPCFCerner Physician Community Forum
CSIHCyber Security in Healthcare
CSTECouncil of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
CT scancomputed tomography scan
CT/GCChlamydia Trachomatis/Neisseria Gonorrhea
CWIACenter for Wellness In Aging
D5WDextrose 5% in Water
DEMTDirector of Emergency Medicine Training
DMFMDaisy Mountain Fire Medical
DMOHDivision of Medical Oncology and Hematology
DMRMDiploma in Medical Records Management
DTMHDiploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
EAMEndogenous Adaptive Mutagenesis
EDDestimated date of discharge; estimated due date; expected date of delivery
ERASEnhanced Recovery After Surgery
FIOHFinnish Institute for Occupational Health
FT MISTFiat Mistera
GBPHGreat Bridge Partnership For Health
GEA/GETAgeneral endotracheal anesthesia
GMBGlobal Medical Brigades
GSHMMGeorgia Society for Healthcare Materials Management
GSHOGroup Of Senior Health Officials
GSRgalvanic skin response
HBMHealth Belief Model
HCMNHealth Communication Materials Network
HCSThematopoietic stem cell transplant
HICAHealth Insurance Claims Assessment
HSMTHealth Science and Medical Technology
HWDHealthcare for Workers with Disabilities
HbBHemoglobin B
IGFBPInsulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein
IHINIowa Health Information Network
IIVInactivated Influenza Vaccine (formerly called TIV)
INMInstitute of Natural Medicine
ISPOInternational Society For Prosthetics And Orthotics
JBRAJingle Bell Run for Arthritis
LC50Lethal Concentration resulting in 50% mortality
LNULocal Neonatal Unit
LPOleft posterior oblique
LaLanthanum (element); La antigen; lactic acidosis
MBHSMississippi Baptist Health Systems
MHPMedical Home Project
MKEMedical Kitty Examiner
MMMultiple Myeloma
MPDSMedical Priority Dispatch System
NADNo Apparent Distress; No Acute Disease
NAHFNormal Adult Human Female
NGRnasogastric replacement
NIAMNational Institute Of Ayurvedic Medicine
NRCMSNew Rural Cooperative Medical System
NYAMNew York Academy of Medicine
ONJOsteoNecrosis of the Jaw
QFTQuantitave Feedback Technique
QMURQualMed Utilization Review
RAFRadiologic Associates of Fredericksburg
RICHMANRespiratory, Infectious, Cardiovascular, Hematology, Metabolic/endocrine, Alimentary, Neurological
RIDradial immunodiffusion
RNHRural Northwest Health
RT-PCRreverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
SCHCShasta Community Health Center
SOCHSouthern Ocean County Hospital
SODISSolar Water Disinfection System
SOMserous otitis media
SSSSstaphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
STARTsimple triage and rapid treatment
STIIPShort Term Illness and Injury Plan
TDR-TBtotally drug-resistant tuberculosis
TPDDLTexas Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
TPItreponema pallidum immobilization (syphilis test); trigger point injection
U-100100 units per milliliter (insulin)
UNPAUnited Neurodiagnostic Professionals of America
VEGFAVascular Endothelial Growth Factor A
WHISPERSWildlife Health Information Sharing Partnership event reporting system
adauris dexter ( Latin) right ear
eIPVenhanced-potency inactivated poliovirus vaccine
q.p.as much as desired (quantum placeat)

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