What does MHSP medical abbreviation mean?

What does the abbreviation MHSP stand for in medical terms?

The abbreviation MHSP may have a few different meanings. Below is the meaning that MHSP abbreviation stands for.

What does MHSP stand for in medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation MHSP means Mental Health Services Plan.

MHSP: Mental Health Services Plan

Related Medical Abbreviations

+++Present in Excess
AATDAlpha Anti Trypsin Deficiency
AMBSRAdvances in Medical and Biological Science Research
AMJAsian Medical Journal
ARFAcute Renal Failure
AYHAlign Your Health
BAHAbone anchored hearing aid
BMSburning mouth syndrome; bone marrow suppression
BSSbalanced salt solution
BTBbreakthrough bleeding
BVMPBega Valley Medical Practice
CKCcold knife conization; closed kinetic chain
CMTWChinese Medicine That Works
COTAcertified occupational therapy assistant
CPPDCalcium Pyrophosphate Disease
CSAcyclosporin A; central sleep apnea; Controlled Substances Act
CVFConfrontation visual field
D&CDilatation and Currettage
D5NS5% dextrose in normal saline
DEPICTEDDevelopment and Evaluation of a Psychosocial Intervention in Children and Teenagers Experiencing Diabetes
DHSCDepartment of Health and Social Care
DSMUDonetsk State Medical University
DSPSdelayed sleep phase syndrome; diagnostic, screening and preventive services
EBVMAEvidence-Based Veterinary Medicine Association
ECRemergency chemical restraints
EMA-IgAimmunoglobulin a antiendomysial
EPEPend positive expiratory pressure
EVDexternal ventricular drain
EX FIXExternal Fixation
F/Hfamily history
FAMfertility awareness method
FMCAFunctional Medicine Coaching Academy
GGTPgamma gluteryl transpeptidase
GPPAGeneral Practice Psychotherapy Association
HCAhealth care assistant
HHV-6human herpesvirus 6
HOPEHold On, Pain Ends
HSShyperosmolar hyperglycemic state; hepatic stimulator substance
ICMIInternational Christian Medical Institute
IDMinfant of diabetic mother
IMPRCIcelandic Medicine Pricing and Reimbursement Committee
INHTInstitute of Natural Health Technologies
IOVinitial office visit
IPAIndependent Practice Association
ISMHInternational Society of Men’s Health
LIFleukemia inhibitory factor; left iliac fossa
MAKSMedical Aid Kit Station
MI-Dmentally ill and dangerous
MMDDMedical Manuals and Documents Division
MTOFMale to female
NTDsNeural tube defects
OCRossicular chain reconstruction
OFTTorganic failure to thrive
OMTOphthalmic Medical Technology
OSRopen septo-rhinoplasty
PCCUpost cardiac cath unit
PDCDPyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency
PIIPParent/Infant Interaction Program
PMHRPowell Medical Hair Restoration
PNDParoxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea also Post Nasal Drip
PPYLLPotentially Productive Years of Life Lost
PrEPpre-exposure prophylaxis
RPRRapid Plasma Reagin
SILsquamous intraepithelial lesion
SJTsituational judgement test
SNOMEDsystematized nomenclature of medicine
SOAPIERsubjective, objective, assessment, plan, intervention, evaluation, response
TORCTransfusion Outcomes Research Collaborative
TORSTrans-Oral Robotic Surgery
U/Puretero pelvic
UOPurinary output
UPCunits of packed cells
VBvaginal bleeding
VRAvisual reinforcement audiometry
WAwhile awake
WDLWithin Defined Limits
YbYtterbium (element)
cTnTcardiac troponin T
decubdecubitus (lying down)
gGGlycoprotein G
npoNothing by mouth. For example, if a patient was about to undergo a surgical operation requiring general anesthesia, they may be required to avoid food or beverage prior to the procedure.
respresponse; respiration
varvariation, variety

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