What does MATA medical abbreviation stand for?

What does the MATA medical term stand for?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of MATA abbreviation. However, what is the meaning of the medical term MATA?

MATA medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In medical field, the MATA medical abbreviation stands for Medication Assisted Treatment for Addiction.

MATA: Medication Assisted Treatment for Addiction

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADPHAlabama Department of Public Health
ADSMAcademia de Stiinte Medicale
AFICArmed Forces Institute Of Cardiology
AHUMAdolescent Health Utility Measure
ARSAAberrant Right Subclavian Artery
ASMHArabic Scale of Mental Health
BCMABar Code Medication Administration
BHTABritish Healthcare Trade Association
BINDBiomolecular Interaction Network Database
BPEMSBossier Parish Emergency Medical Service
BTLbilateral tubal ligation
BTSBlood Test Screen
BWSbattered woman syndrome
CASLComputer Aided Systems Laboratory
CHANTCommunity Hospitals Acting Nationally Together
CMGBClub Medical du Grand Boulogne
CMMChildren’s Medical Ministries
CRTCClinical Research Training Center
CSTALCombat Surveillance Target Acquisition Laboratory
EDPMEuropean Diploma of Pain Medicine
EGFRepidermal growth factor receptor [case sensitive]
ELAMExecutive Leadership in Academic Medicine
FOCfronto-occipital circumference
FPIAfluorescence polarization immunoassay
GADGeneralized Anxiety Disorder
GCMGenetic Critical Mass
HASHuman Alienation Syndrome
HCP1Haem Carrier Protein 1
HEMLHealth Enterprises Medical Laboratory
HUVHospital Universitario del Valle
ICKInfectious Crystalline Keratopathy
IGHimpaired glucose homeostasis
IPEMInstitute for Physics and Engineering in Medicine
ISRPInternational Symposium on Ruminant Physiology
JTSJaw Tumor Syndrome
KCMBSKing County Medical Blue Shield
L-5fifth lumbar vertebra
LANCLong Arm Navicular Cast
LCDliquor carbonis detergens
LMMCLouisiana Medical Management Corporation
LOQlower outer quadrant
LVORLinear Vestibulo- Ocular Reflex
MCETMedicine Common Entrance Test
MCTUMedical Clinical Teaching Unit
MHHMental Health Helpers
MRPCMedical Radiation Protection Committee
MSESMedical Staff Engagement Society
MSLmidsternal line
MSRFMedical Student Research Fellowship
NEPONetwork of Ethnic Physician Organizations
NFAnursing facility administrator
NMCPNaval Medical Center Portsmouth
NPSSNana Palkar Smruti Samiti
NTMnon-tuberculosis mycobacteria
OASIObstetric Anal Sphincter Injury
OCLorthopedic cast for limb
OMBoperational management board
OSAObstructive Sleep Apnea
PAPAAPsoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance
PDNPPeripheral Diabetic Neuropathic Pain
PFOPatent Foramen Ovale
PHICProfessional Healthcare Instructor Certification
PIMHPerinatal and Infant Mental Health
PITCHPractical Ideas To Connect Healthcare
PLCVprocedures of limited clinical value
PRIAPCR Rodent Infectious Agents
PSFSPatient-Specific Functional Scale
QIAquality impact assessment
RBVread back and verify
RDHRegistered Dental Hygienist
RIPORegister of Orthopedic Prosthetic Implantology
RWLSRegional West Laboratory Services
SHEMSafety Health Environmental Manager
SMHBShanghai Municipal Health Bureau
SPNICSociety of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
TATturnaround time; thematic apperception test; tetanus antitoxin
TLMHCTemporary Licensed Mental Health Counselor
UHCUnited Healthcare
UNSAUnstable Angina
UPNCUnited Physicians of Northern Colorado
VCUGVoiding Cysto-Urethrogram
VFCVirtual Fracture Clinic
WOSOLWasted outside of laboratory
WRAIWalter Reed Army Institute
WRAPWellness Recovery Action Plan
c.n.tomorrow night (cras nocte)
spon ABspontaneous abortion

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