What does LMN medical abbreviation mean?

What does the medical term LMN stand for?

There may be more than one meaning of LMN. However, what does the medical abbreviation LMN mean?

What is the LMN medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the LMN medical term stands for Lower Motor Neuron.

LMN: Lower Motor Neuron

Related Medical Abbreviations

FRSflexed rotated side bent
RBErelative biological effectiveness
GPTglutamic-pyruvic transaminase
RNSTreactive non stress test
REBRebound, as in rebound tenderness of the abdomen when pushed in and then released.
IUIintrauterine insemination
FHxfamily history
LGSILlow-grade squamous, intra-epithelial lesion
NAFLDnon-alcoholic fatty liver disease
ODTorally disintegrating tablet
PBpudendal block or peripheral blood
MnManganese (element)
BSNBachelor of Science in Nursing; bowel sounds normal
ASDAtrial Septal Defect
IUSintrauterine system
post oppost operation
RIDradial immunodiffusion
UCGurinary chorionic gonadotropin
PPGpostprandial glucose
UA or u/aUrinalysis. A UA is a typical part of a comprehensive physical examination.
CSPcarotid sinus pressure