What is HAA medical abbreviation?

What does the medical term HAA stand for?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of HAA abbreviation. However, what does the HAA medical term stand for?

What is the HAA medical abbreviation?

In the medical field, the medical abbreviation HAA stands for hepatitis-associated antigen.

HAA: hepatitis-associated antigen

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MSFmeconium stained fluid
MEFRmaximum expiratory flow rate
HHHiatal Hernia
OPQRSTonset, provocation, quality, radiation, severity, time
MP MIAmicrolatex particle mediated immunoassay
IGTimpaired glucose tolerance
IUCDintrauterine contraceptive device
CVATcostovertebral angle tenderness
VDvenereal disease
DWdistilled water
EENTeye, ear, nose, and throat
FPLflexor pollicis longus
VASvibroacoustic stimulator; visual analog scale
FQHCfederally qualified healthcare; federally qualified health center
PSISposterior-superior iliac spine
RVVCrecurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis
PBSCperipheral blood stem cell
C2second cervical vertebra
BIPAPBi-Level Positive Airway Pressure
CENCertified Emergency Nurse
EWCLExtended Wear Contact Lens
Paco2partial pressure of carbon dioxide in alveolar gas
CD8cytotoxic T lymphocytes