What does EPITH medical abbreviation mean?

What is the medical term EPITH?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the EPITH abbreviation. However, what is the meaning of the EPITH medical abbreviation?

What does EPITH medical abbreviation mean?

In medical field, the EPITH medical term stands for epithelial.

EPITH: epithelial

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BHbehavioral health
BRAOBranch Retinal Artery Occlusion
BTEbehind the ear (heading aids)
CDchemical dependency; cycle day; current diagnosis; Crohn’s disease; controlled drug(s); conduct disorder; cluster of differentiation; cesarean delivery; cardiovascular disease; communicable disease
CPPCerebral Perfusion Pressure
CRPC Reactive Protein
CTDconnective tissue disease; cumulative trauma disorder
DSM-VDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition
EJExternal Jugular
HHChome health care
IBCLCinternational board certified lactation consultant
IBMinclusion body myositis
IDInfectious Diseases
LBlive birth; lower body
LHSlong handled sponge
MDmuscular dystrophy; medical doctor; Meniere’s disease
MELDmodel for end-stage liver disease
MRSEmethicillin-resistant staphylococcus epidermidis
MUTMethylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiency
NDCnational drug code
P/Upick up
PharmDDoctor of Pharmacy
PuDpulmonary disease
SEsubstantially equivalent; status epilepticus; side effects; standard error
SPFSun Protection Formula
SSSsick sinus syndrome
T/Cto consider
TORPtotal ossicular replacement (prosthesis)
TUIPtransurethral incision of the prostate
UHFultrahigh frequency
WNVWest Nile Virus
WOBwork of breathing
c.n.tomorrow night (cras nocte)
c.n.s.to be taken tomorrow night (cras nocte sumendus)
ccCubic centimeters. For example, the amount of fluid removed from the body is recorded in ccs.
circcirculate; circumference; circumcision
iFRinstant wave-free ratio
mUmilliunit; micro unit
qAMEach morning. As in taking a medicine each morning.
reccrecommend or recommended
suprsuperior, supervision
trit.triturate, grind
ut. dict.as directed (ut dictum)