What does the abbreviation EC stand for in medical terms?
The EC abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what does the abbreviation EC mean in medical terms?
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What is the meaning of EC medical abbreviation?
In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation EC is emergency center; energy conservation; enteric coating (medication); emergency contraception.
EC: emergency center; energy conservation; enteric coating (medication); emergency contraception
Related Medical Abbreviations
ARF | Acute Renal Failure |
BCCP | breast and cervical cancer (treatment) program |
BRBPR | Bright Red Blood Per Rectum |
BTLS | basic trauma life support |
CHL | conductive hearing loss |
CN | Cranial Nerves |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary Resucitation |
CTE | chronic traumatic encephalopathy |
DIPJ | distal interphalangeal joint |
DLE | discoid lupus erythematosus |
DNKA | did not keep appointment |
EE | Ethinyl estradiol |
ETS | environmental tobacco smoke (exposure) |
HDL | High Density Lipoprotein |
HEME/ONC | Hematology/Oncology |
HEW | Department of Health, Education, and Welfare |
IFA | immunofluorescence assay |
IPD | intermittent peritoneal dialysis |
IPG | impedance plethysmography |
IPPB | intermittent positive pressure breathing |
IVPB | intravenous piggyback |
JT | Joint. |
L/S ratio | lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio |
LAO | left anterior oblique |
LIQ | lower inner quadrant |
LOM | loss/limitation of motion |
MBPS | Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome |
MG | myasthenia gravis |
NYHA | New York Heart Association |
P-ANCA | perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody |
PAH | para-aminohippurate; polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon |
PBA | pseudobulbar affect |
PCRA | patient controlled regional analgesia |
PE tubes | polyethylene tubes |
PLACE | patient-led assessments of the care environment |
PSE | portal systemic encephalopathy |
RPh | registered pharmacist |
SAH | Sub-Arachnoid Hemorrhage |
SF | sugar free; serum ferritin; safety factor; synovial fluid |
SRT | speech reception threshold on audiometry |
TGV | thoracic gas volume |
TMP | total membrane pressure; trimethoprim |
VOD | veno-occlusive disease |
VZIG | varicella zoster immune globulin |
disc | discontinue |
exam | examination |
grp | group |
kU/L | kilounit per liter (allergy testing) |
nL | nanoliter (billionth of a liter) |
p.r.n. | As needed. So that it is not always done, but done only when the situation calls for it (or example, taking a pain medication only when having pain and not without pain). |
s/p | Status post. For example, a person who had a knee operation would be s/p a knee operation. |