What does the abbreviation CTRC mean in medical terms?
There may be more than one meaning of CTRC. Below is the meaning of CTRC abbreviation in medical terms.
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What does CTRC medical abbreviation stand for?
In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation CTRC means Clinical Translational Research Center.
CTRC: Clinical Translational Research Center
Related Medical Abbreviations
AAION | Arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy |
ACUM | Accessory and Cavitated Uterine Masses |
AHIC | Alternative Health Improvement Center |
APHI | Academy for Population Health Innovation |
BEME | Best Evidence in Medical Education |
BFU-E | Burst-Forming Unit-Erythroid |
BHMP | Behavioral Health Medical Professional |
BMIS | Battlefield Medical Information System |
BSPPM | British Society for Paediatric Palliative Medicine |
CAHI | Central American Healthcare Initiative |
CBRNE | chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive agents |
CDI | Clean Dry Intact |
CDPA | Canadian Dental Protective Association |
CER | Capsule, Extended Release |
CGHD | Classical Growth Hormone Deficiency |
CHAL | Cardiovascular Health Across the Lifespan |
CUC | chronic ulcerative colitis |
CYHD | Change Your Health Direction |
DARE | Drug & Alcohol Resistance Education; data, action, response, education |
DCAT | Dynamic Computer Assisted Tomograph |
DCDT | Donor after Cardiac Death Transplants (eg. Kidney) |
DDHA | Developmental Disabilities Health Alliance |
DDx | differential diagnosis |
DLIS | Digoxin Like Immunoreactive Substance |
DV/SA | domestic violence/sexual assault |
ECDN | Early Childhood Dental Network |
EMK | Emergency Medical Kits |
EN | erythema nodosum |
EOLT | Essilor Optical Laboratory Thailand |
FAI | functional assessment inventory |
FNP | family nurse practitioner |
Fis | fusion inhibitors |
GON | Greater occipital nerve |
HALY | Health Adjusted Life Years |
HAMB | HIV and AIDS Malignancy Branch |
HEP | home exercise program |
HFO | Health Force Ontario |
HFOV | High frequency oscillatory ventilation |
HPF | high-powered field |
HPPL | Health Professions Pharmacy Loan |
HUCOM | Hadhramout Uni College of Medicine |
IDT | interdisciplinary team |
IHF | Ithaca Health Fund |
IMICU | Internal Medicine Intensive Care Unit |
ISDN | isosorbide dinitrate |
KTL | Korea Testing Laboratory |
LACI | Laboratorio Analisi Chimiche Industriali |
LDCR | Late Diastolic Coronary Resistance |
LLUPTC | Loma Linda University Proton Treatment Center |
MERTU | Medical Entomological Research and Training Unit |
MFI | Malaria-Free Initiative |
MHW | Mental Health Weekly |
MSICU | Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit |
NAET | Nambudripad allergy elimination techniques |
NHCI | National Health Care Initiative |
NIAZ | Nederlands Instituut voor Accreditatie in de Zorg (Netherlands Institute for Accreditation in Healthcare) |
NQAR | Notification of Quality Assurance Requirements |
OAL | Organic Analytical Laboratory |
OEHO | Office of Equal Health Opportunity |
OGI | Open Genome Initiative |
OWM | Office for Women in Medicine |
PASP | pulmonary artery systolic pressure |
PCLE | Patient Centered Laboratory Excellence |
PEMC | Programmable Electrical Medical Systems |
PPROM | preterm premature rupture of membranes |
PTPS | Pyruvoyl-TetrahydroPterin Synthase |
RACHC | Rio Arriba Community Health Council |
ROAR | The Reservoirs Of Antibiotic Resistance |
RTO | Return To Office |
Rh | Rhodium (element); Rhesus factor |
SACFA | South African Cystic Fibrosis Association |
SBS | small bowel series; sick building syndrome |
SICH | Surrey Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy |
SPNIC | Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care |
Sz | seizure |
TET | Tubal Embryo Transfer |
TPL | Translational Pathology Laboratory |
TRBF | total renal blood flow |
TSM | Threaten Survival Mechanism |
TUC | Time Of Useful Consciousness |
TYL | Tylenol |
Tyr | tyrosine |
UFO | Unbearable Flatulent Odor |
VLAD | Virus Laboratory and Distribution |
WB | weight bearing; western blot; whole blood |
WHWC | Women’s Health & Wellness Center |
WIHB | Western Isles Health Board |
WKS | Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome |
WWRC | Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center |
YNHH | Yale New Haven Health |
g | gram, a unit of weight. The cream is available in both 30 and 60 gram tubes. |