What is the meaning of CP medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation CP stand for?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of CP abbreviation. However, what does the medical abbreviation CP mean?

What is the meaning of CP medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the CP medical abbreviation is the meaning of cleft palate; chest pain; cerebral palsy; cicatricial pemphigoid; cardiopulmonary.

CP: cleft palate; chest pain; cerebral palsy; cicatricial pemphigoid; cardiopulmonary

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BCPPBoard Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist
BTLbilateral tubal ligation
CNOChief Nursing Officer
CSHFchronic systolic heart failure
CSPcarotid sinus pressure
DDHdevelopmental dysplasia of the hip
DOPTdirectly observed preventative therapy
DVMDoctor of Veterinary Medicine
E/OEvidence Of
FPFamily Practitioner
GGTgamma-glutamyl transferase
HBheart block
HVhome visit/visitor
IIDintermittent infusion device (saline lock)
KAFOknee ankle foot orthosis
LCMleft costal margin
LHRHLeutinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone
LVFleft ventricular function
MDDmaximum daily dose; major depressive disorder
MDSMyelo dysplastic syndrome
MLDmedian lethal dose; metachromatic leukodystrophy; minimum lethal dose
MMAmethylmalonic acid
MMSEmini mental state examination
NLTnot less than
NSAno significant abnormality
NaSodium. An essential electrolyte frequently monitored regularly in intensive care.
ONSoncology nursing society
OOBOut Of Bed
PASpara amino-salicylic acid; para-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-schiff (stain)
PLSSportable life-support system
PSVTparoxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
QCTquantitative computed tomography
RADRight Axis Deviation; also Reactive Airways Disease
RDIRespiratory Disturbance Index
RLERight Lower Extremity
RPradial pulse; Raynaud’s phenomenon; retrograde pyelography; retinitis pigmentosa
SCDsequential compression device; sudden cardiac death
SFsugar free; serum ferritin; safety factor; synovial fluid
SIWself-inflicted wound
SNOMEDsystematized nomenclature of medicine
SVDspontaneous vaginal delivery
VLDLvery low density lipoprotein
YbYtterbium (element)
ggram, a unit of weight. The cream is available in both 30 and 60 gram tubes.
t.d.s.to be taken three times daily