What is CAI medical abbreviation?

What does the abbreviation CAI stand for in medical terms?

There may be more than one meaning of CAI. However, what does the medical abbreviation CAI stand for?

What does CAI medical abbreviation mean?

In the medicine field, the CAI abbreviation stands for computer assisted instruction.

CAI: computer assisted instruction

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACLSAdvanced Cardiac Life Support
BMSburning mouth syndrome; bone marrow suppression
CAPProstate Cancer; Community Acquired Pneumonia
COPEchronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema
CRTCertified Respiratory Therapist; capillary refill time; cardiac resynchronization therapy
DAWdispense as written
DMACdisseminated mycobacterium avium complex
EAEexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis
EBLLelevated blood lead level
G#P#Gravida # Para #
GOMERSlang for “get out of my emergency room.”
HNVhas not voided
IDInfectious Diseases
IPVinactivated poliovirus (vaccine); intrapulmonary percussive ventilation
LFTSliver function test series
LUAleft upper arm
ME ratiomyeloid/erythroid ratio
MRSmagnetic resonance spectroscopy
MUDmatched unrelated donor
NEDno evidence of disease
O&POvum and Parasites
O/Roral, rectal
OPHSoffice of public health and science
OTCOver The Counter
PBIprotein-bound iodine
PLLpostero-lateral left
PNSPeripheral Nervous System
RAFaright anterior forearm
RPhregistered pharmacist
RUERight Upper Extremity
RVCresponds to verbal commands
SA nodesinoatrial node
SI unitsInternational System of Units (Systeme International)
TBTuberculosis; Total Bilirubin
THthyroid hormone
TKRTotal Knee Replacement
TRUSTransrectal Ultrasound
TTETrans-Thoracic Echocardiogram
TWEtap water enema
VAERSVaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
VRSAvancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
XRTRadiation Therapy
femfemoral; female
hnRNPheterogeneous nuclear RNP