What does BFAH medical abbreviation mean?

What does the medical abbreviation BFAH stand for?

In some cases, the abbreviation BFAH may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical term BFAH mean?

What does BFAH medical abbreviation stand for?

In the medicine field, the BFAH abbreviation stands for Brain Function and Health.

BFAH: Brain Function and Health

Related Medical Abbreviations

AACHIAustin Asian Community Health Initiative
ACLAnterior Cruciate Ligament
BDDbody dysmorphic disorder
BRUbiomedical research unit
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
CIFMSCAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences
CIMCentre for Integrative Medicine
CMIChronic multisymptom illness
CRDchronic respiratory disease
CTGcathepsin G
CTZchemoreceptor trigger zone
CVRBcritical value read back
DABRDiagnostic American Board of Radiology
DDAVPdesmopressin acetate
DHMDoctor Of Homeopathic Medicine
DUEdrug usage evaluation
EABelective abortion
EBHevidence-based healthcare
EESErythromycin (erythromycin ethylsuccinate)
EOMIExtra Ocular Muscles Intact
EtOHEthanol or Ethyl alcohol
FDAFood and Drug Administration
FEVforced expiratory volume
FFRfractional flow reserve
FHfamily history; fundal height
GOTglutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
H fluhemophilus influenzae
HCPACHealth Care Professional Advisory Committee (American Medical Association)
HDLHigh Density Lipoprotein
HIMhealth information management; hepatosplenomegaly
HSAhealth services administration; human serum albumin
IBWIdeal Body Weight
ICTVInternational Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses
IDDMInsulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
IPAPinspired positive airway pressure
JCAjuvenile chronic arthritis
JMCCJamaican Medical Cannabis Collective
LELower Extremity (usually preceded by R or L); Leukocyte Esterase
LLINLong-lasting insecticide-treated nets
LOMSAleft otitis media, suppurative, acute
LOPleft occiput posterior
LTLlaparoscopic tubal ligation
MBPSMunchausen-by-proxy syndrome
MCOWMedical College Of Wisconsin
MERAMedical Equipment Repair Associates
MFFDmedically fit for discharge
MI-Dmentally ill and dangerous
MMAAMinnesota Medical Association Alliance
MRDMatched Related Donor
MSRRMedical Student Rights and Responsibilities
N/V/Dnausea, vomiting, diarrhea
NBRTNational Board for Respiratory Therapy
NMDPNational Marrow Donor Program
NQMInon-Q wave myocardial infarction
OCoral contraceptive; osteocalcin; obstetrical conjugate; oleoresin capsicum; oral cavity
OPAoropharyngeal airway; outpatient appointment
OSCEobjective structured clinical examination
OTRregistered occupational therapist
P-ThalPersantine Thallium
PDD-NOSpervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified
PPBSpostprandial blood sugar
PPTplasma preparation tube; partial prothrombin time; positive pregnancy test
PR3proteinase 3
RCARight Coronary Artery
RUAright upper arm
SAEserious adverse event
SIEstroke in evolution
SNSsupplemental nursing system; sympathetic nervous system
T&CType and Cross
TAFtriage assessment form
TOEtransesophageal echocardiography
UNunited nations
UPEPUrine Protein Electro-Pheresis
WDWNWell Developed, Well Nourished
mHzmegahertz (1 million hertz)
q.d.Each day. As in taking a medicine daily.
spon ABspontaneous abortion

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