What does PRIDE medical abbreviation mean?

What does the abbreviation PRIDE mean in medical terms?

The PRIDE abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what is the meaning of the medical term PRIDE?

What is PRIDE medical abbreviation?

In the medicine field, the PRIDE abbreviation stands for Peoples Restricted Intake Diet Education.

PRIDE: Peoples Restricted Intake Diet Education

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10/52ten weeks
AEDAutomatic External Defibrillator; Anti-Epileptic Drug
AIMMCAdvocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center
AMSAltered Mental Status; Acute Mountain Sickness
AVAAnti-Viral Activity
AVSAuditory Visual Stimulation
BBHDBristol Burlington Health District
CBVCerebral Blood Volume
CCRAcardiac cath recovery area
CFTCapillary Filling Time
CGNchronic glomerulonephritis
CNHchondrodermatitis nodularis helices
CNLCognitive Neuroimaging Laboratory
COODChronic Obstructive Outflow Disease
DACRDay Acting Chief Resident
DEMGDeltex Medical Group PLC
DFUDiabetic Foot Ulcers
DISCUSdyskinesia identification system condensed user scale
DVADistance Visual Acuity
DVDdevelopmental verbal dyspraxia; digital video disc
EDOUEmergency department outpatient unit
EDPMEuropean Diploma of Pain Medicine
ESOHEnvironment Safety and Occupational Health
FUOFever of Unknown Origin
HACHospital-acquired condition
HBICHealth and Behavior International Collaborative
HECEHigher Education in Clinical Engineering
HICUHighlands Intensive Care Unit
HLPEHealth and Labour Policy Evaluation
HOPEHold On, Pain Ends
IBLIndustrial Biotechnology Laboratory
ICEideas, concerns, and expectations
IDAPInternational Development and Aid Project (ArmA 3)
IFHSIraq Family Health Survey
IGIMSIndira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
IMA (L/R)internal mammary artery-left/right
IMAFInternational Medical Assistance Foundation
IMPHInstitute for Medicine and Public Health
IOCintraoperative cholangiogram
IPJinterphalangeal joint
IRISImmune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome
ISDNisosorbide dinitrate
JAMAJournal of the American Medical Association
LNMPlast normal menstrual period
LPLumbar Puncture
LUTHLagos University Teaching Hospital
MARCMonoclonal Antibody Regional Center
MFDUMedical Faculty of Diponegoro University
MMRTMedicaid Medical Review Team
MODSmultiple organ dysfunction syndrome
MPVmean platelet volume
NICUNeonatal Intensive Care Unit
NIVnon-invasive ventilation
NSPCANational Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( South Africa)
OFDoccipitofrontal diameter
PADLPersonal Activities of Daily Living
PARTNERSPartnership Against Resistant Tuberculosis A Network For Equity And Resource Strengthening
PCSTPhysicians of Crop-Sprayed Towns
PDGFplatelet-derived growth factor
PHIPPopulation Health Improvement Program
PPHGPrevention and Public Health Group
PULpercutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy
QCTquantitative computed tomography
QEHBQueen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
RCCRenal Cell Cancer
RNLIRoyal National Laboratory of Induction
ROMCPRange Of Motion Complete and Pain free
RTECSRegistry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances
SAMRCSouth African Medical Research Council
SCRFStandard Clinical Report Form
SEHPState Employee Health Plan
SFMHPSan Francisco Mental Health Plan
SGLT2sodium glucose cotransporter 2
SOMDSite Occupational Medical Director (US Department of Energy)
T.T.Tetanus Toxoid
TJEMThai Journal of Emergency Medicine
TMMCTorrance Memorial Medical Center
TMStympanic membranes; transcranial magnetic stimulation
TPDCTucson Postpartum Depression Coalition
UCAUser Created Animal
VAFViral Antibody Free
VKCVernal KeratoConjunctivitis
WBEFWell- Being Evaluation Function
WRCHWorcester Recovery Center and Hospital
ut. dict.as directed (ut dictum)

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