What does the medical abbreviation 10/52 mean?
The abbreviation 10/52 may have a few different meanings. However, what is the meaning of the medical term 10/52?
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10/52 medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?
In medical field, the 10/52 medical abbreviation stands for ten weeks.
10/52: ten weeks
Related Medical Abbreviations
ACEI | Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor(s) |
ADNFLE | Autosomal Dominant Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy |
AIMMC | Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center |
AMC(S) | Academic Medical Center(S) |
ASMS | Association of Salaried Medical Specialists |
BDMS | Bangkok Dusit Medical Services |
BEME | Best Evidence in Medical Education |
BRET | Biomedical Research Education And Training |
CEBC | Central European Biomedical Congress |
CHRR | County Health Rankings and Roadmaps |
CIDP | Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy |
CIHM | Centre for Innovation in Health Management |
CL | Chloride |
CMED | Central Medical Emergency Direction |
CSH | combat support hospital |
CSR | central supply room; Cheyne-Stokes respiration |
CVAT | costovertebral angle tenderness |
DHMG | Dignity Health Medical Group |
DHS | dynamic hip screw |
EARK | Electronic Anesthesia Record Keeping |
EBM | Evidence Based Medicine |
EFIM | European Federation of Internal Medicine |
EMSRS | Emergency Medical Services Retirement System |
EPITH | epithelial |
EVD | external ventricular drain |
FAAN | Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network |
FSHP | Faculty And Staff Health Promotion |
G#P# | Gravida # Para # |
GHMS | Georgia Highlands Medical Services |
GTF | Glucose Tolerance Factor |
HBCB | Hepatitis B Core Antibody |
HMMP | Houston Medical Monitoring Project |
HMRA | Health Matching Reimbursement Account |
HTOW | Health Through Oral Wellness |
IBPD | Interarm Blood Pressure Differential |
IDBS | Implant Dentistry Basic Start-up kit |
IDCH | Institute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital |
IMAJ | Israel Medical Association Journal |
IMP | Impression |
IOP | Intra-Ocular Pressure |
LAHB | left anterior hemiblock |
LBP | Low Back Pain |
LND | Lymph Node Dissection |
MAPCA | Major Aortopulmonary Collateral Arteries |
MCAD | medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (deficiency) |
MERIT | Medical Evaluation Response Initiative Team |
MESNA | Mercaptoethanesulfonate |
MLBW | moderate to low birthweight |
MMP | Multiple Medical Problems |
MOAD | Mothers’ Outcomes After Delivery |
MSET | Medical Surgical Emergency Team |
MTT | Medical Training Team |
MVC | motor vehicle collision |
MZF | Mono Zygotic Female |
NCI | National Cancer Institute |
NIAZ | Nederlands Instituut voor Accreditatie in de Zorg (Netherlands Institute for Accreditation in Healthcare) |
NIBP | non-invasive blood pressure |
NIHB | Non-Insured Health Benefit |
NSCLCA | Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer |
OMI | of the Medical Investigator |
ONH | Optic Nerve Head |
PASG | pneumatic anti-shock garments |
PBI | protein-bound iodine |
PDQ | Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire |
PMN | Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes |
RDH | Registered Dental Hygienist |
SEAFMD | Southeast Asia Foot and Mouth Disease |
SHOC | Strategic Health Operations Centre |
SRN | Subretinal neovascular membrane |
Sc | Scandium (element) |
Sv | sievert (unit) |
TDMS | Texas Disaster Medical System |
THEIS | Tower Hamlets Early Intervention Service |
TORB | telephone order read back |
ULN | Upper limits of normal |
VNP | Visiting Nurse Plus |
VSMT | Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapist |
W-E | Wide Excision |
WA | while awake |
WLHC | Whole Life Health Care |
WORTH | Women On the Road To Health |
WWP | Warm and Well Perfused |
ZG | Zona Glomerulosa |
caps | capsules |
govt | government |
h.s. | At bedtime. As in taking a medicine at bedtime. |
pCi | picocurie |
pathol | pathological; pathology |
pc | after meals (post cibos) |
saRNA | Small Activating Ribonucleic Acid |
symp | symptoms; symptomatic |