What does the medical term GDD stand for?
In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the GDD abbreviation. However, what does the abbreviation GDD stand for in medical terms?
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What is GDD medical abbreviation?
In science & medicine, the medical term GDD means Global developmental delay.
GDD: Global developmental delay
Related Medical Abbreviations
ADHP | Alabama Dental Hygiene Program |
APC | Atrial Premature Contraction |
BCCTP | breast and cervical cancer (treatment) program |
CICU | coronary intensive care unit |
CK | Creatinine Kinase |
CMV | Cyto-Megalo Virus |
COC | cauterization of the cervix; Certificate of Coverage; combined oral contraceptive |
CPD | congenital polycystic disease; chronic pulmonary disease; cephalopelvic disproportion |
CPP | Cerebral Perfusion Pressure |
CRC | Certified Rehabilitation Counselor |
CTP | color, temperature, pulse |
DARE | Drug & Alcohol Resistance Education; data, action, response, education |
DWI | driving while intoxicated |
Dz | disease |
E/O | Evidence Of |
EHC | emergency hormonal contraception |
EOMI | Extra Ocular Muscles Intact |
ESRF | end stage renal failure |
EUS | endoscopic ultrasound |
FDB | flexor digitorum brevis |
GN | Glomerulonephritis |
GNID | gram-negative intracellular diplococci |
GNR | Gram Negative Rod |
H/O or h/o | History of. A past event that occurred. |
HBsAg | hepatitis B surface antigen |
Hg | hemoglobin; Mercury (element) |
ICF | intermediate care facility; intracellular fluid |
IDV | indinavir (antiviral drug) |
IPJ | interphalangeal joint |
ITEA | Institute of Tokyo Environmental Allergy |
K | Potassium |
LEP | laparoscopic extraperitoneal approach; limited English proficiency |
LH | Leutinizing Hormone; Left Handed; Light Headed |
LOQ | lower outer quadrant |
LPI | laser peripheral iridotomy |
LRSB | lower right sternal border |
LTB | laryngotracheobronchitis |
LVG | left ventriculogram |
LWOT | left without treatment |
La | Lanthanum (element); La antigen; lactic acidosis |
MCAT | Medical College Admissions Test |
ME ratio | myeloid/erythroid ratio |
MHE | mental health evaluator |
MVA | motor vehicle accident |
Mo | Molybdenum (element) |
MoCA | Montreal Cognitive Assessment |
NICMP | nonischemic cardiomyopathy |
NSU | nonspecific urethritis; non-specific urethritis |
OP | Opening Pressure |
PEP | post-exposure prophylaxis; phosphoenolpyruvate; pancreatic enzyme product |
PGL | persistent generalized lymphadenopathy |
PIV | peripheral intravenous |
PJC | premature junctional contraction |
POCT | point of care testing |
PPS | postpartum sterilization |
PRK | photorefractive keratectomy |
PRQM | publicly reported quality measures |
R/F | refill |
RDT | rising dose tolerance |
REBT | rational emotive behavioral therapy |
RNEF | Radionuclide Ejection Fraction |
RVVC | recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis |
SHP | hyperparathyroidism |
SIADH | Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone secretion |
SICU | Surgical Intensive Care Unit |
SMZ | sulfamethoxazole |
SO2 | Sulfate |
SPC | specialist palliative care; statistical process control |
SSSS | staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome |
Strep | streptococcus |
TH | thyroid hormone |
TKE | terminal knee extension |
TKR | Total Knee Replacement |
TPN | Total Parenteral Nutrition |
ULBW | ultra low birth weight |
UOP | urinary output |
UPPP | Uvulopalatopharyngeoplasty |
VLDL | very low density lipoprotein |
VP-16 | etoposide |
VWF | Von Willebrand Factor |
Wed | Wednesday |
diph | diphtheria |
hr | hour |
liq | fluid; liquid |
pen | penicillin |
perm | permanent |
pulv | powder (pulvis) |
reg | regular |
seg | segmented (white cells) |
sib | sibling |
var | variation, variety |