What is ZLI in medical terms?
In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of ZLI. However, what does the ZLI medical term mean?
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What is ZLI medical abbreviation?
In science & medicine, the meaning of the ZLI medical abbreviation is Zona Limitans Intrathalamica.
ZLI: Zona Limitans Intrathalamica
Related Medical Abbreviations
ACSEP | Australasian College of Sport Exercise Physicians |
AIB | Air Inside Bone |
ARRS | Alcohol Relapse Risk Scale |
AYH | Align Your Health |
BIDS | bedtime insulin and daytime sulfonylureas |
BMK | birthmark |
BSC | biological safety cabinet; bedside commode |
BSOM | bilateral serous otitis media |
BWFI | Bacteriostatic Water For Injection |
CARDS | Cardiology |
CBP | chronic bacterial prostatitis |
CBSA | Core Based Statistical Area |
CBW | chemical and biological warfare |
CHT | closed head trauma |
CLA | certified laboratory assistant |
CMDT | Current Medical Diagnosis And Treatment |
CPMA | Canadian Podiatric Medical Association |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary Resucitation |
CRNA | certified registered nurse anesthetist |
CT scan | computed tomography scan |
CVFP | Central Virginia Family Physicians |
DHEA | dehydroepiandrosterone |
DISIDA | diisopropyl iminodiacetic acid (cholescintigraphy) |
DLE | discoid lupus erythematosus |
DOBBS | Doctors Only Bulletin Board System |
DORV | Double Outlet Right Ventricle |
EES | Erythromycin (erythromycin ethylsuccinate) |
EH | employee health |
EMSI | Emergency Medical Service Institute |
FACMT | Fellows of the American College of Medical Toxicology |
FCVMLT | Federal College of Veterinary and Medical Laboratory Technology |
FES | functional electrical stimulation |
FFHA | Foundation for Female Health Awareness (Cincinnati, OH) |
FMAP | Federal Medical Assistance Percentage |
FVE | fluid volume excess |
FWML | Far West Medicare Local |
GDS | geriatric depression scale |
HASOP | Health Assessments Standard Operation Procedure |
HCVD | hypertensive cardiovascular disease |
HFNC | High-Flow Nasal Cannula |
HHE | health hazard evaluation |
I+ | With Ionic Contrast (in reference to a CAT Scan) |
ICVP | International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis |
IICP | increased intracranial pressure |
IND | investigational new drug |
IPOC | interdisciplinary plan of care |
ISMH | International Society of Men’s Health |
JHI | Journal of Hospital Infection |
LCIRAH | Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health |
LIQ | lower inner quadrant |
LLN | Lower limit of normal |
LN | Lymph Node also Liquid Nitrogen |
LOB | loss of balance |
MAR | medication administration record |
MCHC | mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration |
MCHE | Manchester Centre for Health Economics |
MDRTB | Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis |
MMCH | Mymensingh Medical College Hospital |
MNM | Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine |
MOAD | Mothers’ Outcomes After Delivery |
NIPE | Newborn and Infant Physical Examination |
NMS | Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome |
NPHS-II | Second Northwick Park Heart Study |
NSV | non-specific vaginitis |
NTRF | Non-traditional risk factors |
OC | oral contraceptive; osteocalcin; obstetrical conjugate; oleoresin capsicum; oral cavity |
PAAM | Physicians Association for Anthroposophic Medicine |
PCO2 | carbon dioxide pressure |
PEA | pulseless electrical activity |
PHMO | Public Health Medical Officers |
PNA | Pneumonia |
PSE | portal systemic encephalopathy |
PaO2 | arterial oxygen partial pressure [case sensitive] |
RIG | Rabies Immunoglobulin |
RXT | exotropia (right) |
SC | Subcutaneous |
SFe | Serum Iron |
SP | suprapubic (catheter); Sanofi Pasteur |
SpO2 | pulse oxygen saturation (pulse oximetry) |
TOSHA | Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
TZD | thiazolidinedione |
USP | United States Pharmacopeia |
VSS | Vital Signs Stable |
YO | Years Old |
bilat. | bilateral |
cerv | cervix/cervical |
cv | convulsion |
flex | flexion |
incr | increase |
pb | piggyback |
smpx | smallpox |