What does VRA medical abbreviation stand for?

What does the medical abbreviation VRA mean?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation VRA. However, what does the medical term VRA stand for?

What is the meaning of VRA medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the meaning of the VRA medical abbreviation is visual reinforcement audiometry.

VRA: visual reinforcement audiometry

Related Medical Abbreviations

BBPblood-borne pathogens
BMEbiomedical engineering
BRAOBranch Retinal Artery Occlusion
CFUcolony forming unit
CIBHchange in bowel habits
CLNclinical lead/liaison nurse
CPAPContinuous Positive Airway Pressure
CPDcongenital polycystic disease; chronic pulmonary disease; cephalopelvic disproportion
CPSChild Protective Services
CSOchief scientific officer
D/NSdextrose in normal saline
DJDDegenerative Joint Disease
EACexternal auditory canal; erythema annulare centrifugum
EMBendometrial biopsy; ethmbutol
ICNinternational council of nurses
IIintellectual impairment
IrIridium (element)
LBPLow Back Pain
LCMleft costal margin
LFDlow fat diet
LITTlaser-induced interstitial thermotherapy
LOALysis Of Adhesions
MHCMental Health Center; major histocompatibility complex
MPAPmean pulmonary artery pressure
NCSNerve Conduction Study
NEnot evaluated/not examined; norepinephrine; neurological examination
NICMPnonischemic cardiomyopathy
OMEotitis media with effusion
PEPhysical Exam; also Pulmonary Embolism
PFCpersistent fetal circulation; prefrontal cortex; permanent flexure contracture; plaque forming cell (assay)
PGMpaternal grandmother
PIIpersonally identifiable information
PPDPurified Protein Derivative
PPIProton Pump Inhibitor
PPNPeripheral Parenteral Nutrition
PR/Rper rectum/rectal
RPMrevolutions per minute
T.I.thoracic inlet
TMJTemporo-Mandibular Joint
Tdtetanus diphtheria
UFHUnfractionated Heparin
VBvaginal bleeding
ststraight; stage (disease); stomach

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