What is the meaning of the medical term TMM?
There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation TMM. However, what does the abbreviation TMM stand for in medical terms?
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TMM medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?
In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation TMM means Translational and Molecular Medicine.
TMM: Translational and Molecular Medicine
Related Medical Abbreviations
ADT | Active Death Therapy |
AIHW | Australian Institute of Health and Welfare |
BCMS | Boulder County Medical Society |
BNF | British National Formulary |
BSL | blood sugar level; biosafety level |
BTU | British thermal unit |
BUS | Bartholin’s, Urethral, and Skene’s glands |
CAI | computer assisted instruction |
CAP | Prostate Cancer; Community Acquired Pneumonia |
CCDC | Consultants in Communicable Disease Control |
CDU | chemical dependency unit |
CGM | Continuous Glucose Monitoring |
CHOW | Community Health Outreach Work |
CHRR | County Health Rankings and Roadmaps |
CMDT | Current Medical Diagnosis And Treatment |
CMMR | Centre for Molecular and Medical Research |
CNIS | Carotid Non-Invasive Study |
DC(S) | Dendritic Cell(S) |
DDME | Diffuse Diabetic Macular Edema |
DEC | Di Ethyl Carbamazine |
DM | Diabetes Mellitus |
DMHAS | Department of Mental Health Addiction Services |
DOHA | Department of Health and Ageing |
EDC | estimated day of confinement; electronic data capture; extensor digitorum communis |
EFA | Essential Fatty Acid |
ENR | Essential Nursing Resources |
EOD | End Of Day |
EPT | Expedited partner therapy |
ERMC | Eaton Rapids Medical Center |
FACP | Fellow of the American College of Physicians |
FBD | fibrocystic disease |
GHEG | Global Health Epidemiology Genomics |
HHRG | home health resource group |
HICAPS | Health Industry Claims And Payments Service |
HPIMR | Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research |
HQA | Health Quality Assurance |
HSS | hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state; hepatic stimulator substance |
IAOMT | International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology |
ICSD | International Classification of Sleep Disorders |
IM | Intramuscular also Intramedullary |
IPRT | Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation Treatment |
IVSS | intravenous soluset |
LAM | lactation amenorrhea method |
LCIRAH | Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health |
LIN | Laryngeal Intraepithelial Neoplasia |
LM | Left Main Coronary Artery |
LObl | Left oblique |
LRTI | lower respiratory tract infection |
LUE | Left Upper Extremity |
MMF | maxillomandibular fixation |
MRCP | Magnetic Resonance Cholangio Pancreatography |
MRS | magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
MUSC | Medical University of South Carolina |
MVHR | Mon Vale Health Resources |
MoPH | Ministry of Public Health |
NAET | Nambudripad allergy elimination techniques |
NEMD | New England Medical Design |
NIF | Negative Inspiratory Force |
NQMI | non-Q wave myocardial infarction |
NZMJ | New Zealand Medical Journal |
OCCAM | Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine |
PDGF | platelet-derived growth factor |
PMTL | Placer Mineral Testing Laboratory |
PMU | pain management unit |
PPI | Proton Pump Inhibitor |
QID | Four times per day |
RHR | Resting Heart Rate |
RLMA | Reinforced Laryngeal Mask Airway |
RPO | right posterior oblique |
RSNA | Radiological Society of North America |
RVA | rabies vaccine, adsorbed |
SGOEM | Système de gestion des ordonnances électroniques de médicaments |
SK | Seborrheic Keratosis; also Streptokinase |
TAPVR | Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return |
TCE | trichloroethylene |
TEP | tracheo-esophageal puncture |
THEIS | Tower Hamlets Early Intervention Service |
TIFH | Trinity Interdisciplinary Forum for Healthcare |
TIPSS | Transjugular Intrahepatic Portal Systemic Shunt |
TYU | Tyuleniy (virus) |
UBV | Ultrasound Bone Velocity |
WAIS | Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale |
WAP | wandering atrial pacer; written action plan |
WBH | Whitehouse Behavioral Health |
WCBP | Women of Child Bearing Potential |
WCT | wide complex tachycardia |
Xe | Xenon (element) |
ZLI | Zona Limitans Intrathalamica |
lb | pound |
mg/dl | milligrams per deciliter |
ut dict | As directed. As in taking a medicine according to the instructions that the health care professional gave in the office or in the past |