What does the medical term SURP stand for?
In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of SURP. However, what is the medical abbreviation SURP?
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What does SURP stand for in medical abbreviation?
In science & medicine, the SURP medical term mean Summer Undergraduate Research in Physiology.
SURP: Summer Undergraduate Research in Physiology
Related Medical Abbreviations
1L | 1(supraclavicular nodes’ station number) Left ( side) |
AAADD | Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder |
AAHP | Alabama Association of Health Plans |
ABHR | Aging Brain Health Research |
ABIL | Accessible Biomedical Immersion Laboratory |
AMLA | Academy of Medical Laboratory Auditors |
ARH | Appalachian Regional Healthcare |
ASCOA | Ambulatory Surgery Center Management and Development |
BAN | Bandage |
BCPP | Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist |
BHAC | Behavioral Health Associates Cayman |
BYOM | Bring Your Own Mask |
CADP | Central Auditory Processing Disorder |
CBGD | Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration |
CCHSA | Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation |
CHHSM | Council for Health and Human Service Ministries |
CvS | cardiovascular system |
DACRB | Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board |
DFFS | Depression and Family Functioning Scale |
DPOA | Durable Power Of Attorney |
DSN | Department of School Nurses |
Derm | dermatology |
ECLAT | EffiCiency and Safety of an eLectronic cigAreTte |
EIS | Epidemic Intelligence Service |
EPM | Elevated Plus Maze |
EX FIX | External Fixation |
F/H | family history |
FACMI | Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics |
FBH | Frontier Behavioral Health |
GCT | glucose challenge test |
GERI | geriatrics |
GND | gram-negative diplococci |
GUH | Galway University Hospitals group |
HCY | homocystinuria |
HIA | health impact assessment |
HISR | Health Information Systems Research |
HNI | Hospital Nueva Imperial |
HOC | Health Occupations Center |
HONY | Healthcare Of New York |
HPAU | Health Professional Advisory Unit |
HPPL | Health Professions Pharmacy Loan |
ICH | Intra-Cranial Hemorrhage |
IMSS | International Medical Support Services |
JCMM | Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine |
JGH | Jefferson General Hospital |
KMFC | Kentucky Medical Freedom Coalition |
LBID | Laboratory for Brain Injury and Dementia |
LBWC | Limb Body Wall Complex |
LCIRAH | Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health |
NBRT | National Board for Respiratory Therapy |
Ni | Nickel (element) |
OCU | Outpatient Care Unit |
ODP | Operational Departmental Practitioners |
ONH | Optic Nerve Head |
PBA | pseudobulbar affect |
PCB | Post-coital bleeding |
PCDE | Primary Care Diabetes Europe |
PCHE | Personal Citizenship Health and Economic |
PDHPE | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education |
PGP | Progressive general paralysis |
PLL | postero-lateral left |
POHS | Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome |
PUJ | PelviUreteric Junction |
PrEP | pre-exposure prophylaxis |
RAK | Right Above Knee amputation |
RHP | Recirculatory Hemoperfusion |
RNA | ribonucleic acid |
RQA | Register of Qualified Aromatherapists |
RVF | right ventricular function; right ventricular failure |
SBE | Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis |
SIMV | synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation |
SMDC | Seychelles Medical and Dental Council |
SMRC | Sacramento Medical Reserve Corps |
SPD | Serious Psychological Distress |
TAHU | Texas Association of Health Underwriters |
TBSE | Total Body Skin Examination |
TDAA | Texas Dental Assistants Association |
TEG | ThrombElastoGraph Hemostasis System |
TN | trigeminal nerve |
UNMC | University of Nebraska Medical Center |
VCG | vectorcardiogram |
VCZ | VoriConaZole |
VOC | Vaso-occlusive crisis |
VP | Ventriculo-Peritoneal |
WAHS | Watertown Area Health Services |
WCM | Weill Cornell Medicine |
WOB | work of breathing |
mx. | maxillary |
o.h. | every hour (omni hora) |
rDNA | Ribosomal Deoxyribonucleic Acid |
t.d.s. | to be taken three times daily |