What does SOPD medical abbreviation mean?

What does the SOPD medical term stand for?

The abbreviation SOPD may have a few different meanings. However, what does the SOPD medical term stand for?

What does SOPD medical abbreviation mean?

In medical field, the SOPD medical abbreviation stands for Surgical Out Patient Department.

SOPD: Surgical Out Patient Department

Related Medical Abbreviations

ABCDEAsymmetry, Borders, Colour, Diameter, Expert
ACAIAmerican College of Allergy and Immunology
ADMEAbsorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion
APCUAcute Palliative Care Unit
AVNAvascular Necrosis; Atrio-Ventricular
BCNSPBoard Certified Nutrition Support Pharmacist
BDRBackground Diabetic Retinopathy
BMIBody Mass Index
CACTcarnitine acylcarnitine translocase (deficiency)
CADTHCanadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
CRPScomplex regional pain syndrome
CTAClear To Auscultation
D&CDilatation and Currettage
DCPPDirection Collaboration et Partenariat Patient
DFADirect Fluorescent Antibody
ECDExpanded Criteria Donor
EDErectile Dysfunction
FAIfunctional assessment inventory
FDfire department; focal distance; fully dilated; fatal dose
FOMfloor of mouth
G-tubegastrostomy tube
GSMSGolden State Medical Supply
GTNgestational trophoblastic neoplasia; glyceryl trinitrate
H2O2hydrogen peroxide
HBPhigh blood pressure
HCVHepatitis C Virus
HHEhealth hazard evaluation
ICPIntra-Cranial Pressure
ICTinsulin coma therapy
IICPincreased intracranial pressure
IMIntramuscular also Intramedullary
IPAPinspired positive airway pressure
IRTinternal radiation therapy
ITPIdiopathic Thrombocytopenia
IVPIntravenous Pyelogram
KBketone bodies; knee brace
KDAknown drug allergy
KDOQIKidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative
KIpotassium iodine
LAIVlive attenuated influenza vaccine
LDlearning disability; left deltoid; lactate dehydrogenase; lactic dehydrogenase; lethal dose
LIMALeft Internal Mammary Artery
LLBlong leg brace
LTElife-threatening event; less than effective
MI-Dmentally ill and dangerous
MTDmaximum tolerated dose; month-to-date
NCnasal cannula
NaOHsodium hydroxide
OGTToral glucose tolerance test
OMFSoral and maxillofacial surgery
PACpremature atrial contraction
PDAPatent Ductus Arteriosus
PEJpercutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy
PHBpersonal health budget
PR/Rper rectum/rectal
PSEportal systemic encephalopathy
PSISposterior-superior iliac spine
PdPalladium (element)
QMquality management
RARight Atrium
RATxradiation therapy
RRTrenal replacement therapy; Registered Respiratory Therapist
RSremitting seronegative; respiratory system; Reiter’s syndrome
RSVRespiratory Syncytial Virus
RVRrapid ventricular response
SMEsignificant medical event; subject matter expert
SMUstandard IgM beta-2 glycoprotein unit
SiPAPsynchronized inspiratory positive airway pressure
TURtransurethral resection
UGIupper gastrointestinal
WGWegener’s granulomatosis
WKSWernicke Korsakoff syndrome
eIPVenhanced-potency inactivated poliovirus vaccine
glut maxgluteus maximus
k/uLkilo per microliter
mm3cubic millimeter
npoNothing by mouth. For example, if a patient was about to undergo a surgical operation requiring general anesthesia, they may be required to avoid food or beverage prior to the procedure.
pregpregnancy, pregnant
spon ABspontaneous abortion
suprsuperior, supervision

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