What is the SIRS medical abbreviation?

What does the SIRS medical term stand for?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of SIRS abbreviation. However, what does the abbreviation SIRS mean in medical terms?

What is SIRS medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, it is Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome the medical abbreviation SIRS stands for.

SIRS: Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

Related Medical Abbreviations

A/V RatioArteriolar/Venous Ratio
ANCAbsolute Neutrophil Count
ARBAngiotensin Receptor Blocker
CCCAcentral centrifugal cicatricial alopecia
CDEComplete dental (oral) evaluation.
CDHFchronic diastolic heart failure
CTCcomputed tomographic colonography; circulating tumor cell; common toxicity criteria; chlortetracycline
DCDischarge; Discontinue; Doctor of Chiropractics
DVdouble vision; domestic violence; daily value (nutrition)
EHTestrogen hormone therapy
ESIGelectronic signature
ETTExercise Tolerance Test; also Endotracheal Tube
FTNDfull term normal delivery
G6-PDglucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
HBVhepatitis B vaccine; hepatitis B virus
HIAhealth impact assessment
Hephepatoma cell line
KVOKeep Vein Open
L-2second lumbar vertebra
LGSILlow-grade squamous, intra-epithelial lesion
LIHleft inguinal herniorrhaphy
MCLMedial Collateral Ligament
MDSMyelo dysplastic syndrome
MDUMedical Defence Union
MICUMedical Intensive Care Unit
MSOFmulti system organ failure
Minminute; minimum
NHLNon-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
NaClSodium Chloride
OBOccult Blood (followed by ‘+’ or ‘-‘)
PA-CCertified Physician Assistant
PERRLA+Cpupils equal, round, react to light, accommodation ok, and coordinated
PK testPrausnitz-kustner test
PR3proteinase 3
PSDpatient specific direction
SALTspeech and language therapy
SGUstandard IgG beta-2 glycoprotein unit
STVshort term variability
SVGSaphenous Vein Graft
TARtotal ankle replacement; total all routes (intake)
UEUpper Extremity (usually preceded by R or L)
VISvaccination instruction sheet; vaccine information sheet
dgmdecigram (one tenth of a gram)
pcafter meals (post cibos)