What does PILD stand for in medical abbreviation?

What is the medical definition of PILD abbreviation?

In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of PILD. However, what does the medical abbreviation PILD stand for?

What does PILD mean in medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the PILD medical abbreviation is the meaning of Pediatric Interstitial Lung Disease.

PILD: Pediatric Interstitial Lung Disease

Related Medical Abbreviations

1HYFirst Half-Year
ADRBAntibody Dependent Respiratory Burst
AHCMAccountable Health Communities Model
ANDAxillary Node Dissection
APCAtrial Premature Contraction
APGARAppearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration
BCPPBoard Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist
BENAMESBody substance isolation, Environmental hazards, Number of victims, Additional resources, Mechanism of injury, Extracation, Spinal precaution
BHTBucket Handle Tear
BIBAbrought in by ambulance
BNFBritish National Formulary
BORLBiomedical Optics Research Laboratory
CAOX3conscious, alert, oriented to person, place, time
CBLLcapillary blood lead level
CHIROChiropodist. {abbrev}
CMNHCentre for Maternal and Newborn Health
CPhTCertified Pharmacy Technician
CRCSCColorectal Cancer Subtyping Consortium
CRS-RConners Rating Scales-Revised
CSOchief scientific officer
CSTcontraction stress test; Certified Surgical Technologist
Cx Bxcervical biopsy
D&CDilatation and Currettage
D&Odiagnostic and observation
DC(S)Dendritic Cell(S)
DDSDoctor of Dental Surgery
DMSA2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid
DOUDirect Observation Unit
DRFdrip rate factor
EIAenzyme immunoassay; exercise-induced asthma
EIMSExercise Is Medicine Singapore
ENLerythema nodosum leprosum
FCEfunctional capacity evaluation
FDIFirst Dorsal Interosseous
GCTglucose challenge test
GIGGluten Intolerance Group
HBPMhome blood pressure monitoring
HCIhuman-computer interaction
HCTAHealth Care Technology Assessment
HELPHealth Equipment Loan Program
HFBHealth Fitness Business
HLMHealth Literacy Media
HSISHealth Supplements Information Service
ICUIntensive care unit. The patient was moved to the intensive care unit.
IDMinfant of diabetic mother
IPACInfection Prevention And Control
IPVVInfectious Pustular Vulvovaginitis Virus
IRCEPInternational Registry of Coronavirus Exposure in Pregnancy
JVIJournal of Virology
L&DLabor and Delivery
LAHLohmann Animal Health
MAPBMedical Arts and Photography Branch
MCCGMedical Center of Central Georgia,
MGAMedical Goes Additive
MGLIgM phospholipid unit
MMAmethylmalonic acid
MTUSMedical treatment utilization schedule
MVCmotor vehicle collision
MxTmyringotomy and tubes
NCHSnational center for health statistics
NHSNational Health Service; normal human serum
NICUANeonatal Intensive Care Unit Admission
NOInature of illness
NSCRNursing Services Cost Report
NaClSodium Chloride
OCUOutpatient Care Unit
PIIpersonally identifiable information
PMNPolymorphonuclear Leukocytes
QUMSQazvin University of Medical Sciences
RFGFRecombinant Fibroblast Growth Factor
RIRespiratory Infection
RQrespiratory quotient
STIsexually transmitted infection
STSNStichting Tubereuze Sclerosis Nederland
SURSulfonylurea Receptor
THEISTower Hamlets Early Intervention Service
TKRTotal Knee Replacement
UVRUltra-Violet radiation
WHOWorld Health Organization
WOFAWilderness Oriented First Aid
WOIWithout incident
YRPHYork Region Public Health
mol wtmolecular weight
o.n.every night (omni nocte)
viaby way of
w/v.weight in volume
wmwhite male

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