What does NHAP medical abbreviation mean?

What is the definition of NHAP medical abbreviation?

The abbreviation NHAP may have a few different meanings. However, what does the abbreviation NHAP mean in medical terms?

What is the NHAP medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the NHAP medical term stands for Nursing Home Administrator Program.

NHAP: Nursing Home Administrator Program

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACEIAngiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor(s)
ADMEAbsorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion
ADTPAlcohol and Drug Treatment Program
AHISAdult Health Information Service
ARMEAccident Relief Medical Equipment
BA8Brodmann area 8
BE PRNBoth Eyes Pro Re Nata (in Latin) when necessary
BMIBody Mass Index
BMMFBible and Medical Missionary Fellowship
BWbirth weight; body weight
CARPconfluent and reticulated papillomatosis
CD8cytotoxic T lymphocytes
CMDTCurrent Medical Diagnosis And Treatment
CMLChronic Myelogenous Leukemia
CNCranial Nerves
COURAGEClinical Outcomes Utilizing Revascularization and Aggressive Drug Evaluation (trial)
COVID-18Coronavirus Disease 2018
CPLCCertified Professional Life Coach
CPMACanadian Podiatric Medical Association
CTPAcomputed tomography pulmonary angiogram
DEPICTEDDevelopment and Evaluation of a Psychosocial Intervention in Children and Teenagers Experiencing Diabetes
DFMCDelmarva Foundation for Medical Care
DISHdiffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
EGDMEthylene Glycol Dimethacrylate Medical
GDgestational diabetes
GEMSGeorgetown Experimental Medical Studies
GHJglenohumeral joint
GIFTgamete intrafallopian transfer
GONGreater occipital nerve
GTTGlucose Tolerance Test
HAVhepatitis A vaccine; hepatitis A virus
HBMAHealthcare Billing and Management Association
HMOhealth maintenance organization
HMSJHospital Municipal Sao Jose
HPhot pack
HSMHolo-Systolic Murmur; also Hepato-Splenomegaly
HSMOHealth Services Management Organisation
HVSHigh Vaginal Swab
IAWin accordance with
IPVinactivated poliovirus (vaccine); intrapulmonary percussive ventilation
IRMCIndiana Regional Medical Center
LGSILlow-grade squamous, intra-epithelial lesion
LOQlower outer quadrant
LTBILatent tuberculosis infection
M/HMedical history
MCCPMedical Claims Conciliation Panel
MDNRMedical Device National Registry
MHUCMental Health Urgent Care
MI-CDmentally ill and chemically dependent
MLBWmoderate to low birthweight
MTSMedical Training Solutions
NCPBNational Cancer Policy Board
NCSHNational Coalition for Sexual Health
NQMInon-Q wave myocardial infarction
NSCRNursing Services Cost Report
OIopportunistic infection
OMCHOrebro Medical Centre Hospital
PASpara amino-salicylic acid; para-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-schiff (stain)
PCAfter Meals
PDHPast Dental History
PHPTPublic Health Pharmacology and Toxicology
PHSCCPublic Health Service Commissioned Corps
PIMRPediatric Integrative Medicine in Residency
PPYLLPotentially Productive Years of Life Lost
PRBCpacked red blood cell(s)
PREMpatient reported experience measure
PTKphototherapeutic keratectomy
RRDRemoval of Rigid Dressing
SBCMStony Brook Community Medical
SSTARSociety for Sex Therapy and Research
TDNTotal Dietary Nutrition
TFTthyroid function test
TPBTheory of Planned Behavior
TPEtotal plasma exchange
UCTDundifferentiated connective tissue disease
ULNUpper limits of normal
VCVital Capacity; Vocal Cord
VHMSVeterinary Hyperbaric Medicine Society
WMSDWork-related MusculoSkeletal Disorder
gm/dLgrams per deciliter
post oppost operation
ut dictAs directed. As in taking a medicine according to the instructions that the health care professional gave in the office or in the past

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