What does MAU medical abbreviation stand for?

What does the medical abbreviation MAU stand for?

In some cases, the abbreviation MAU may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical term MAU stand for?

MAU medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In science & medicine, it is Medical Assessment Unit the medical abbreviation MAU stands for.

MAU: Medical Assessment Unit

Related Medical Abbreviations

(AC)Abdominal Circumference
ABNERA Biomedical Named Entity Recognizer
AECUAmbulatory Emergency Care Unit
AMGMedical Group
APHantepartum hemorrhage
ARSAAberrant Right Subclavian Artery
AiTLAngioimunnoblastic T- cell Lymphoma
BCSPBowel cancer screening programme
BFAHBrain Function and Health
CBPchronic bacterial prostatitis
CEWRClinical Epidemiology Ward Round
CGAcontact guard assist; comprehensive geriatric assessment
CIRHCentre for Innovation in Regional Health
CMAACChinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada
CMGCCorrectional Medical Group Companies
CMISChinese Medicine Information System
CMOMCertified Medical Office Manager
CNRclosed nasal reduction
DMIPDivision of Medical Imaging Products
ECCOEuropean Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation
EIBExercise Induced Bronchospasm
EMIGEmergency Medicine Interest Group
ETCO2end-tidal carbon dioxide
F/Tfull time
FAMSFunctional Assessment of Multiple Sclerosis
FBForeign Body
FEPSPField Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential
GNDgram-negative diplococci
GP 2b/3aGlycoprotein 2b/3a Inhibitor
GPTglutamic-pyruvic transaminase
HECMHealth Emergency Coordination Meeting
HOHHard Of Hearing
HORUSHealth Occupation Responsibility Unique and Social
HSIPHealth Sciences Immunization Program
HSOHealth Sciences Online
ICERincremental cost effectiveness ratio
ICSCInternational Chemical Safety Cards
IDTinterdisciplinary team
ILIADInternational Laboratory for Identification of Antibacterial Drugs
ITPSInsecticide-treated plastic sheeting
IVEintravascular embolization
KIHKulsum International Hospital
LRLNLeft Recurrent Laryngeal Neuropathy
LuLutetium (element)
MAAGMedical Audit Advisory Group
MANIMidwest Alliance in Nursing Informatics
MGOMedical Group of Ohio
MIIPMiniature Insulin Infusion Pump
MISmanagement information system/service; misoprostol
MJ THREADSMyocardial infarction, Jaundice, Tuberculosis, Hypertension, Rheumatoid arthritis, Epilepsy, Asthma, Diabetes, Stroke
NDT-RTNational Drug File – Reference Terminology
NORDNational Organisation for Rare Disorders
NRBFNormalized Radial Basis Functions
NSInasal saline irrigations
PCOprimary care organization; polycystic ovarian disease
PHApublic health advisory; phytohemagglutinin
PIIRSPost-Infectious Inflammatory Response Syndrome
PIODpelvic inflammatory disease
PNBXProstate Needle Biopsy
PTFLPosterior talofibular ligament
Qbblood flow
RAArenin-angiotensin-aldosterone (system)
RIJVRight Internal Jugular Vein
RPHPRadiation and Public Health Project
RPLRocket Propulsion Laboratory
RPLNDRetroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection
RPPCRegional Perinatal Programs of California
RRRespiratory Rate
RVGRight Ventriculogram
SBSMSanta Barbara Street Medicine
SHEPSurvey of Healthcare Experiences of Patients
SMSRSchool of Medical Sciences Research
SNISelective Nerve root Injection
SOAPsubjective, objective, assessment, plan
SSLAPSmall System Laboratory Assistance Program
TGFtransforming growth factor
TLtotal laryngectomy; tubal ligation; translingual (through the tongue)
TMLTTexas Medical Liability Trust
TrkAtyrosine kinase-A
VSGVena Saphena Graft
WBweight bearing; western blot; whole blood
WCCSWorld Congress of Chiropractic Students
WCHNWestern Connecticut Health Network
WFTWhole Frickin Tooth
WVMPWrington Vale Medical Practice
eMARElectronic Medication Administration Record
mg/dlmilligrams per deciliter

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