What does MAFO medical abbreviation stand for?

What does the medical term MAFO stand for?

The MAFO abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. Below is the meaning that the abbreviation MAFO stands for.

What does MAFO medical abbreviation stand for?

In medical field, the MAFO medical term stands for molded ankle foot orthosis.

MAFO: molded ankle foot orthosis

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BRPBathroom Privileges
BTPbladder training program
CBIContinuous Bladder Irrigation
CJDcreutzfeldt-jakob disease
CNOChief Nursing Officer
CPMcounts per minute; care plan meeting; central pontine myelinolysis; continuous passive mobilizer; continuous passive motion
CSculture and sensitivity; completed stroke; close supervision; clinically significant; chondroitin sulfate; cesarean section; cardiogenic shock; cardiac sphincter
D&Vdiarrhea and vomiting
DDSDoctor of Dental Surgery
DOIdigital object identifier; date of injury
DTRDeep Tendon Reflex
EBAepidermolysis bullosa acquisita
ECFextracellular fluid; extended care facility
EDVepidermodysplasia verruciformis
FCEfunctional capacity evaluation
FEESflexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing
HBsAghepatitis B surface antigen
IBWIdeal Body Weight
ICHIntra-Cranial Hemorrhage
IIintellectual impairment
ITIntrathecal; Information Technology
LPLumbar Puncture
LVGleft ventriculogram
LWDliving with disease
MDTmultidisciplinary team
MP MIAmicrolatex particle mediated immunoassay
NYDnot yet diagnosed
OBOccult Blood (followed by ‘+’ or ‘-‘)
OCGoral cholecystogram
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
PNProgress Note
PNSPeripheral Nervous System
PR/Rper rectum/rectal
PTTPartial Thromboplastin Time
RSBregular sinus bradycardia
RVMright ventricular mean
RVRrapid ventricular response
SERMselective estrogen receptor modulator
SGSwan-Ganz catheter; specific gravity; skin graft; suicide gesture
TOSthoracic outlet syndrome
UFRultrafiltration rate
UTVultrasound transmission velocity
p.c.after meals (post cibos)
q.s.a sufficient quantity; as much as needed
wmwhite male

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