What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation LMA?
Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of LMA abbreviation. However, what does the medical abbreviation LMA stand for?
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What does LMA medical abbreviation stand for?
In medicine, the medical abbreviation LMA means Laryngeal Mask Airway.
LMA: Laryngeal Mask Airway
Related Medical Abbreviations
C&S | Culture and sensitivity, performed to detect infection. |
CCPD | continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis |
CEN | Certified Emergency Nurse |
CPAP | Continuous Positive Airway Pressure |
CREST | calcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasias |
DIC | Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy |
DMPA | depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate |
FA | forearm; folic acid; femoral artery; fatty acid |
FMP | first menstrual period |
GRAS | generally recognized as safe |
HMG-CoA | hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A |
IBS | Irritable Bowel Syndrome |
KCl | potassium chloride |
LG | left gluteal/gluteus |
LS | Lumbro-Sacral |
MBC | maximum breathing capacity |
MF | mid forceps |
MLD | median lethal dose; metachromatic leukodystrophy; minimum lethal dose |
MPS | mucopolysaccharidosis; Medical Protection Society |
MRSE | methicillin-resistant staphylococcus epidermidis |
MUFA | monounsaturated fatty acids |
NIH | national institutes of health |
NK | not known; natural killer |
O&G | obstetrics and gynecology |
PAD | Peripheral Arterial Disease |
PDT | photodynamic therapy |
PTCA | Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty |
RBE | relative biological effectiveness |
RN | Registered Nurse |
RPLND | Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection |
RSO | right salpingo oophorectomy; Radiation Safety Officer |
Re | Rhenium (element) |
SOD | superoxide dismutase |
Tm | Thulium (element) |
VB | vaginal bleeding |
VEGF | vascular endothelial growth factor |
VG | ventral gluteal |
a/g ratio | Albumin to globulin ratio. |
dB | decibel (measurement of sound volume) |
disc | discontinue |
font | fontanelle |
fps | foot-pound-second |
in utero | within the uterus |
irrig | irrigate, irrigation |
mJ | millijoule |
nmol | nanomole |
o.n. | every night (omni nocte) |
pmol/L | picomoles per liter |
prep | preparation |
sp. Gr. | specific gravity |
umb | umbilicus, umbilical |