What does LHMC stand for in medical abbreviation?

What does the medical term LHMC stand for?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation LHMC. However, what does the medical abbreviation LHMC mean?

What does LHMC medical abbreviation stand for?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation LHMC stands for Lady Hardinge Medical College.

LHMC: Lady Hardinge Medical College

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAMSIAmerican Association for Medical Systems and Informatics
ADHAntidiuretic hormone
AHRMMAssociation for Healthcare Resource Materials Management
AMKAdventure Medical Kits
AMRIAmerican Medical Research Institute
AOGAge Of Gestation
ATLSAdvanced Trauma Life Support training course
BBBBundle Branch Block
BBDRBiologically Based Dose Response
BCSBody Condition Scoring
BIDTwice a Day
BMMEBio Medical Materials and Engineering
BWADEBleeding, Weight loss, Anemia, Dysphagia, Early satiety
C/OComplains Of
C7Seventh Cervical Vertebra
CDAHKChiropractic Doctors’ Association of Hong Kong
CO2carbon dioxide
CRUcoronary rehabilitation unit
CTRcarpal tunnel release
DIRHDissemination and Implementation Research in Health
DISHdiffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
DODMDepartment of Operational and Deployment Medicine
DPDorsalis Pedis
DVTDeep Venous Thrombosis
EMEDExpeditionary Medical Encounter Database
ERTFError Reduction Task Force
FCCHFirst Choice Community Healthcare
FFMFat Free Mass
GGKGenetic Genealogy Kit
GLUGeneralized Logic Unit
GREgradient echo
GTTSDrops per minute
HAPIHealth And Psychosocial Instruments
HFBHealth Fitness Business
HIMSSHealth Information Management Systems Society
HNVhas not voided
HbBHemoglobin B
ICPIntra-Cranial Pressure
IIFindirect immunofluorescence
IPKDInfantile Polycystic Kidney Disease
ISRimmune status ration
JCAHOJoint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
JMHJohnson Memorial Health
LNVLymph Node Volume
LUCOMLiberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine
MCAPMedical Contribution Assistance Program
MCFmiddle cranial fossa
MGMLMaterials Growth Measurement Laboratory
MIVAmonitored intravenous anesthesia
MIXMedical Innovation Xchange
MOAmemorandum of agreement; mechanism of action
MPDmyeloproliferative disorders; multiple personality disorder
MUAmedically underserved areas
NAETNambudripad allergy elimination techniques
NInot indicated
NOInature of illness
NPCnon-protein calories; nonproductive cough; no previous complaints; nasopharyngeal carcinoma
NTDsNeural tube defects
OCRROntario Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry
ORBOperation Reconstructive Baby
OVNOffice Visit Notes
P&Ppins and plaster
PALMPersonalized Advanced Lifestyle Medicine
PDHPast Dental History
PEMCProgrammable Electrical Medical Systems
PLPPProfessional Liability by Physicians for Physicians
PPSVpneumococcal polysaccharides vaccine
PPTCTPrevention of Parent to Child Transmission
PRMSProgressive Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
RPRRapid Plasma Reagin
SPALStandardized Performance Assessment Laboratory
SRCCSearch & Rescue Canine Corps
SWSocial Work; Stab Wound
SWSHSurgery, Women’s and Sexual Sealth
TGIRTumor Growth Inhibition Rate
TGMGTampa General Medical Group
TGPDTransmucosal Gastric Potential Difference
THTTTower Hamlets Talking Therapies
TILNTumor Infiltrated Lymph Node
TMSLTelemetry and Missile Systems Laboratory
TSRHTexas Scottish Rite Hospital
UDSMUniversity District Street Medicine
USFHUniversity of South Florida Health
VHDLvery high density lipoprotein
patparoxysmal atrial tachycardia

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