What does HCLS medical abbreviation stand for?

What is the definition of HCLS medical abbreviation?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the HCLS abbreviation. Here is the meaning of HCLS mean in medical terms.

What does HCLS medical abbreviation mean?

In science & medicine, it is Health Care Law Section the medical abbreviation HCLS stands for.

HCLS: Health Care Law Section

Related Medical Abbreviations

1L1(supraclavicular nodes’ station number) Left ( side)
ADRTAdvanced Decision to Refuse Treatment
AMSACAir Medical Safety Advisory Council
AOBIMAmerican Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine
BCHFBorrego Community Health Foundation
BUNBlood Urea Nitrogen
CBCHCenter for Behavioral Cardiovascular Health
CGHAChicago Global Health Alliance
CHLconductive hearing loss
CIMTCentre for Innovative Medical Technology
COMECommunity Oriented Medical Education
COWSclinical opiate withdrawal scale
CPDACitrate Phosphate Dextrose Adenine
CPHLCentral Public Health Laboratories
D.O.A.Defective On Arrival
DISCUSdyskinesia identification system condensed user scale
DLSdynamic lumbar stabilization
ENGelectronystagmography; electronystagmogram
EPLextensor pollicis longus
ERCPEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreotography
ERKExtracellular-regulated kinase
ESEpidural Steroids
F&Efluid and electrolyte
GABHSgroup a beta-hemolytic streptococcus
GFHGlens Falls Hospital
GHEGGlobal Health Epidemiology Genomics
GHEMSGlobal Health Education in Medical Schools
GMALGlobal Medical Affairs Leader
HCANHealth Care for America NOW
HHHSHaliburton Highlands Health Services
HHSDHealth and Human Services Department
HVACCHigh Voltage Activated Calcium Channel
IDBBInfant Developmental Brain and Behavior
IDDinsulin dependent diabetes
IFAKImproved First Aid Kit
IFOMInternational Foundations of Medicine
IGFinsulin-like growth factor
ILIASInterdisciplinary Lab for Intelligent and Adaptive Systems
IPACInfection Prevention And Control
IRVinspiratory reserve volume
ISMNisosorbide mononitrate
IVDUIntravenous Drug Use
IWLInsensible Water Loss
ImMImmunoglobulin M
LABAlong-acting beta agonist
LBPLow Back Pain
LCMALitchfield County Medical Association
LILanguage Impairment
LIRLeft Iliac Region
LMDLocal Medical Doctor
LTCFlong-term care facility
MCNAAMedical Clinics of North America
MGPSMedical Gas Pipeline System
MHPRAMedicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
MOUmemorandum of understanding
MRESMedical Response Emergency Software
MSVHMt Spokane Veterinary Hospital
NCPONorth Country Physicians Organization
NDRNational Diabetes Registry
NMPGNorthwestern Memorial Physicians Group
NRPNeonatal Res Provider
NSSPnormal size, shape, position
OCHDOnslow County Health Department
OLLHOur Lady of Lourdes Hospital
OMFSoral and maxillofacial surgery
PKRpartial knee replacement; photorefractive keratotomy
PTFJProximal Tibiofibular Joint
PTHParathyroid hormone
RCTRandomized Controlled Trial; Rotator Cuff Tear
RDHRegistered Dental Hygienist
RSBIRapid Shallow Breathing Index
SAUstandard IgA beta-2 glycoprotein unit
SCCPSingle Coordinated Care Plan
SRNSubretinal neovascular membrane
TLStumor lysis syndrome
TXTransfusion; Treatment
UFUltra Filtration
UNHCOUganda National Health Consumers’ Organisation
USFHUniversity of South Florida Health
VMICVirginia Medical Interpreting Collaborative
VQYValosin Peptide
WHMMWellcome Historical Medical Museum
ZLIZona Limitans Intrathalamica
det.let it be given (detur)
extextremity; extend; exterior, external; extract
perperiod(ic); for each; through or by

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