What is the HC medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the medical term HC?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of HC abbreviation. However, what is HC in medical terms?

What is the meaning of HC medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the HC medical abbreviation is the meaning of hydrocortisone; home care; head circumference.

HC: hydrocortisone; home care; head circumference

Related Medical Abbreviations

BOAborn out of asepsis; behavioral observation audiometry
BSFbasal skull fracture
C&Cconfirmed and compatible
COLDchronic obstructive lung disease
COTNicotine/Cotinine (COT test)
CPPCerebral Perfusion Pressure
CSHcombat support hospital
DFVdoppler flow velocimetry
DSDown’s Syndrome; degenerative spondylolisthesis; drug substance
DVTDeep Venous Thrombosis
ECUextensor carpi ulnaris; emergency care unit
FMSfibromyalgia syndrome; full mouth series
H&Nhead and neck
HHChome health care
HIMhealth information management; hepatosplenomegaly
IVPBintravenous piggyback
L-5fifth lumbar vertebra
LLBlong leg brace
LTClong-term care (facility); long-term condition; low transverse cervical (c/s)
LULLeft Upper Lobe; also Left Upper Lid
LUTSLower Urinary Tract Symptoms
MARmedication administration record
MDAmedical device alert
MRCPMagnetic Resonance Cholangio Pancreatography
MUFAmonounsaturated fatty acids
NPNurse Practitioner
NRCnational research council; normal retinal correspondence
NSAIDnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
PBLproblem-based learning; peripheral blood lymphocyte
PCWPPulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure
POCplan of care; point of contact; proof of concept
PTAPrior To Admission; Peritonsilar Abscess
SIADHSyndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone secretion
STEMIST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
TEMtransmission electron microscope
TPEtotal plasma exchange
TPOthyroid peroxidase
Tdtetanus diphtheria
k/uLkilo per microliter
psychpsychiatry, psychology