What does HbAS medical abbreviation mean?

What does the medical abbreviation HbAS mean?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation HbAS. However, what is the meaning of the medical abbreviation HbAS?

What is the HbAS medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation HbAS means Hemoglobin A and Hemoglobin S (Sickle cell trait).

HbAS: Hemoglobin A and Hemoglobin S (Sickle cell trait)

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BMBone Marrow; also Bowel Movement
BUMback-up method
CRNAcertified registered nurse anesthetist
DDSDoctor of Dental Surgery
DFEDilated Fundus Examination
EERestimated energy requirement
IUPIntrauterine Pregnancy
IVCInferior Vena Cava
MCHCmean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MHmental health; malignant hyperthermia; medical history
MODSmultiple organ dysfunction syndrome
MPDmyeloproliferative disorders; multiple personality disorder
MSMental Status; also Mitral Stenosis, Multiple Sclerosis and Morphine Sulfate
MSNMaster of Science in Nursing
MVmitral valve
NSSPnormal size, shape, position
NSVDnormal spontaneous vaginal delivery
O&POvum and Parasites
OPVoral polio vaccine
PBSCTperipheral blood stem cell transplantation
PTHParathyroid hormone
PVRPost Void Residual
PVSpersistent vegetative state
PWAperson with AIDS
PZIprotamine zinc insulin
RHCRight Heart Cath
SASino-Atrial; Staph Aureus
SDSUsame-day surgery unit
SMUstandard IgM beta-2 glycoprotein unit
SP/GPsuicide precautions/general precautions
SRSslow-reacting substance
TEFtracheoesophageal fistula
TMTympanic Membrane; Maximum Temperature
TRALItransfusion-related acute lung injury
VZIGvaricella zoster immune globulin
dieb. alt.every other day
ininch (25.4 mm); inch
indicindicate, indication
k/uLkilo per microliter
q.p.as much as desired (quantum placeat)
tPAtissue plasminogen activator
trit.triturate, grind

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