What is GNID medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation GNID?

In some cases, the abbreviation GNID may have a few different meanings. However, what does the GNID medical term mean?

What is the meaning of GNID medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the GNID medical term stands for gram-negative intracellular diplococci.

GNID: gram-negative intracellular diplococci

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ABIAnkle Brachial Index
BTFSbreast tumor frozen section
CARPconfluent and reticulated papillomatosis
CDchemical dependency; cycle day; current diagnosis; Crohn’s disease; controlled drug(s); conduct disorder; cluster of differentiation; cesarean delivery; cardiovascular disease; communicable disease
CHDcongenital heart disease; coronary heart disease
CLLChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
CMTCcutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita
COTNicotine/Cotinine (COT test)
CPRCardiopulmonary Resucitation
CRBclinical reference board; change review board
CTAClear To Auscultation
DDiarrhea; also Disk
DMACdisseminated mycobacterium avium complex
DOPTdirectly observed preventative therapy
DOSdate of service
FACRFellow of the American College of Radiology
FMSfibromyalgia syndrome; full mouth series
FOOSHFall On Outstretched Hand
GGuiac (followed by + or -)
HCVDhypertensive cardiovascular disease
HDCVhuman diploid cell rabies vaccine
IDVindinavir (antiviral drug)
MASTmilitary anti-shock trousers
MCImild cognitive impairment; mass casualty incident
NPONothing By Mouth
OPMSoropharyngeal motility study
PALperipheral arterial line
PBApseudobulbar affect
PCKDPolycystic Kidney Disease
PDD-NOSpervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified
PPHNpersistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
PSROprofessional standards review organization
QNSQuantity Not Sufficient
RLSrestless legs syndrome
RMArefuse(s) medical assistance; right medial ankle
RVSRegistered Vascular Specialist
SDstandard deviation
SPLATTsplit anterior tibial tendon transfer
TCCurrent Temperature
WAwhile awake
fl drfluid dram
mUmilliunit; micro unit
phnipinhole no improvement
ppmparts per million