What does GCBS medical abbreviation mean?

What does medical abbreviation GCBS mean?

There may be more than one meaning of GCBS. Below is the meaning of GCBS abbreviation in medical terms.

GCBS medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

In medical field, the GCBS medical abbreviation stands for Gulf Coast Biomedical Society.

GCBS: Gulf Coast Biomedical Society

Related Medical Abbreviations

AARRArizona Arthritis and Rheumatology Research
ACRMAtlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine
AIBAir Inside Bone
AMGMedical Group
AMMTAroma Medicine Massage Therapists
APMacute poliomyelitis
ASOTAnti-Streptococcal Titre
BAHBoard of Animal Health
BAMSBachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery
BPVBenign Positional Vertigo
BTLbilateral tubal ligation
CAPPSCraniosynostosis And Positional Plagiocephaly Support
CAWCube-Adjusted Weight
CBGcapillary blood gas; corticosteroidbinding globulin
CBLSCenter for Biomedical and Life Sciences
CBRNEchemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive agents
CIPNChemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
COVID-18Coronavirus Disease 2018
CRHSColumbus Regional Healthcare System
CSIIcontinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
D&Ddehydration and diarrhea
DBSdeep brain stimulation; dorsal blocking splint
DHAFDaily Health Assessment Form
DMSCDefense Medical Supply Center
DPMDDefence Postgraduate Medical Deanery
ELHIEducation Literacy Health and Inspiration
FAMAFellow of the American Medical Association
FDIUfetal death in utero
GFATMGlobal Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
GPCGram Positive Coccus
GSLGeneral Sale List
HAIHealthcare Associated Infections
HIBHaemophilus Influenza B vaccine
HPSIHealth Promoting School Initiative
HUDhumanitarian use device
IACHInstitute for the Advancement of Community Health
ICDImplantable Cardiac Defibrillator
IGTimpaired glucose tolerance
IIGOPIndependent Information Governance Oversight Panel
IPQPIndependent Physician Quality Panel
IPSIDimmunoproliferative small intestinal disease
IRVinspiratory reserve volume
ITIntrathecal; Information Technology
L-Rleft to right
LCPDLegg-Calve-Perthes disease
LMSSLiverpool Medical Students Society
LTBILatent tuberculosis infection
MDILMedical Devices Importation Licenses
MESAMicroscopic Epididymal Sperm Aspiration
MGGMMolecular Genetics Genomic Medicine
MMRMeasles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine
MPHIMedicine and Public Health Initiative
MRESMedical Response Emergency Software
MUMCMcMaster University Medical Centre
NAHFNormal Adult Human Female
NCnasal cannula
NMnon monitored; nodular melanoma; neuromuscular
O/Roral, rectal
O3ozone; Omega-3
OGTToral glucose tolerance test
PAWPpulmonary artery wedge pressure
PECPrimary Engineering Control
PHSPPrepaid Health Service Plan
PRBperformance review board
PVRPost Void Residual
RCTRandomized Controlled Trial; Rotator Cuff Tear
RINDreversible ischemic neurologic deficit
RTTreferral to treatment
RVTright vastus lateralis
SAMACOSafety Maintenance and Control
SBOSmall Bowel Obstruction
SLBshort leg brace
SNRIserotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
SQVsaquinavir (antiviral drug)
STLOMSwelling, Tenderness, Limitation Of Motion
STSNStichting Tubereuze Sclerosis Nederland
TDMTTraining Disaster Medicine Trainers
TOFIThin Outside Fat Inside
TSLOthoracic-lumbar-sacral orthosis
TURtransurethral resection
VTVentricular Tachycardia
WOWorld Organization
cPcentipoise unit
osteoosteo myelitis
rBSTrecombinant bovine somatotropin
respresponse; respiration
ut. dict.as directed (ut dictum)

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