What is the EBLL medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation EBLL?

In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of EBLL. However, what is the medical term EBLL?

What is the meaning of EBLL medical abbreviation?

In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation EBLL means elevated blood lead level.

EBLL: elevated blood lead level

Related Medical Abbreviations

CCPclinical care pathway
CRPScomplex regional pain syndrome
DECADevereux Early Childhood Assessment
DVTDeep Venous Thrombosis
EEDerythema elevatum diutinum
GMCgeneral medical council
HRAhealth risk assessment
HTLV-IIIhuman t lymphotropic virus type iii
Hghemoglobin; Mercury (element)
ICUIntensive care unit. The patient was moved to the intensive care unit.
IMRTintensity-modulated radiation therapy
LCMVlymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
LDUHlow-dose-unfractionated heparin
LGIlower gastrointestinal
LVNLicensed Vocational Nurse
MAImycobacterium avium intracellular
MDImetered dose inhaler
ME ratiomyeloid/erythroid ratio
MODSmultiple organ dysfunction syndrome
N/V/Dnausea, vomiting, diarrhea
NAFnotice of adverse findings
NGSnext generation sequencing
NOSNot Otherwise Specified
PIAprolonged infantile apnea
PMRpolymyalgia rheumatica
PPOpreferred provider organization
QHSEvery Night
RDPrandom donor platelets
RFRheumatoid Factor; also Risk Factor
RPGNRapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
RhRhodium (element); Rhesus factor
SIEstroke in evolution
SQVsaquinavir (antiviral drug)
SSSSstaphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
TCHturn, cough, hyperinflate
TKATotal Knee Arthroplasty
TLCTriple Lumen Catheter; Total Lung Capacity
TTtilt table; thrombin time; total thyroidectomy; tetanus toxoid
UTVultrasound transmission velocity
VEPvisually evoked potential
VERvisual evoked response
o.d.once daily (omni die)
o.n.every night (omni nocte)
paplacenta abruption
psiper square inch (pounds)