What is the CHF medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation CHF mean?

There may be more than one meaning of CHF. However, what is the meaning of the medical term CHF?

What is the meaning of CHF medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the meaning of the CHF medical abbreviation is Congestive Heart Failure.

CHF: Congestive Heart Failure

Related Medical Abbreviations

BKbelow the knee
C-spinecervical spine
CBScasual blood sugar
CRFsCardiac Risk Factors
CTOclinical trial outline
DSPSdelayed sleep phase syndrome; diagnostic, screening and preventive services
DyDysprosium (element)
ECMOExtra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation
EEDerythema elevatum diutinum
EOCEmergency Operations Center
Endoendometriosis; endocrine
GDMgestational diabetes mellitus
IOIintraosseous infusion
IUIintrauterine insemination
IVHAintravenous hyperalimentation
LD50lethal dose at which 50% of animal test group dies
LPLumbar Puncture
MCHmean corpuscular hemoglobin; maternal and child health
MDImetered dose inhaler
MHRmaternal heart rate; maximum heart rate
MTmedical technologist
NDnot diagnosed; normal delivery; nondistended; Doctor of Naturopathy; neck dissection
NICMPnonischemic cardiomyopathy
OOTout of town
PM&Rphysical medicine and rehabilitation
REright eye; reproductive endocrinologist
RIFAright inner forearm
RIHright inguinal herniorrhaphy
RNAribonucleic acid
RPGNRapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
RSCright subclavian
SASino-Atrial; Staph Aureus
SPFSun Protection Formula
TABThreatened Abortion; also Therapeutic Abortion
TAH-ttotal artificial heart
TUMTtransurethral microwave thermotherapy
Tregregulatory t cell
VLRAverbal lead risk assessment
VVCvulvovaginal candidiasis
WGLwithin good limits
mHzmegahertz (1 million hertz)
maxmaxilla, maxillary; maximum
radradical; root (radix); radial
s/pStatus post. For example, a person who had a knee operation would be s/p a knee operation.