What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation CHEP?
There may be more than one meaning of CHEP. However, what does the medical term CHEP stand for?
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What does CHEP medical abbreviation stand for?
In medicine, the medical abbreviation CHEP means Certified Healthcare Emergency Professional.
CHEP: Certified Healthcare Emergency Professional
Related Medical Abbreviations
AGSD | Animal Genome Size Database |
AOMS | Advanced Occupational Medicine Specialists |
BCSP | Bowel cancer screening programme |
BRCA2 | Breast Cancer 2 |
CANAL | Concerted Action on Neutralizing Antibodies in Severe Hemophilia A |
CCFH | Center for Child and Family Health |
CHIN | Community Health Information Network |
CMP | Cardiomyopathy |
CNIS | Carotid Non-Invasive Study |
CNL | Cognitive Neuroimaging Laboratory |
CT3 | Troponin T-C Antibody |
DAMH | Drug Alcohol And Mental Health |
DHx | drug history |
DPSI | Dynamic Postural Stability Index |
DRC | Dream-Reality Confusion |
DT(s) | Delirium Tremens |
DWAU | Dental Weighted Activity Unit |
EIC | Epidermal Inclusion Cyst |
EPB | extensor pollicis brevis |
ESCEO | European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis |
EWH | Eastern and Western Hemisphere |
FIMH | Folly and Infected Metal Health |
FX | Fracture |
GFH | Glens Falls Hospital |
GRS | Gender Reassignment Surgery |
GSL | General Sale List |
HEMA | Healthcare Employees Mid Atlantic |
HMMS | Healthcare Materials Management Services |
HMRA | Health Matching Reimbursement Account |
HSTP | Health Sector Transformation Plan |
IDP | individual development plan |
IEL | Intra-Epithelial Lymphocytes |
IETO | Injury epidemiology transport occupation |
IFAA | International Federation of Associations of Anatomists |
JCA | juvenile chronic arthritis |
LAHB | left anterior hemiblock |
LICH | Long Island College Hospital |
LIME | Leaders in Indigenous Medical Education |
LMCB | Laboratory of Molecular Computations and Bioinformatics |
LMHO | Lower Mainland Health Organizations |
LMN | Lower Motor Neuron |
LRH | Lake Region Healthcare |
MARSI | Medical Adhesive Related Skin Injuries |
MBD | minimal brain dysfunction |
MCCMS | Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science |
METC | Medical Evaluation and Treatment Clinic |
MGT | Multilevel Genome Typing |
MHCOP | Mental Health Care of Older People |
MICU | Medical Intensive Care Unit |
MISTY | Medical Information Systems To You |
MLRE | Medicine Lake Recipe Exchange |
MRTPA | Modified Risk Tobacco Product Applications |
NDG | National Data Guardian |
NS | Normal Saline |
O3 | ozone; Omega-3 |
OSA | Obstructive Sleep Apnea |
PBBF | Paraurethral Bladder Base Fistula |
PEMR | Progressive Epilepsy with Mental Retardation |
PIFO | Primary Cilia Formation |
PME | Post-Mortem Examination |
RCL | radial collateral ligament |
RETM | Renaissance Essential Tumor Medium |
RIDDOR | Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations |
ROHA | Registro Oncopediátrico Hospitalario Argentino |
S/S | signs and symptoms |
SAU | standard IgA beta-2 glycoprotein unit |
SCLCA | Small Cell Lung Cancer |
SHI | Spirituality Health Inventory |
SHIELD | School Health and Indoor Environments Leadership Development |
SHO | Stryker Howmedica Osteonics |
SHT | Severe Head Trauma |
SMG | submandibular gland |
TACHY | Tachycardia |
TBB | transbronchial biopsy |
TCM | Traditional Chinese Medicine |
TIR | Toll or interleukin receptor |
TS | Tourette syndrome; tricuspid stenosis; trauma score; tuberous sclerosis |
UBE | Upper Body Exercise |
UBR | Uniform Business Rate |
VSLI | Vincristine Sulfate Liposome Injection |
WC | White cells |
WCHH | World Council on Hearing Health |
WHIH | World Healing Institute in Hawaii |
WHNT | Wirral Hospital NHS Trust |
WIC | women, infants, children |
WICF | Written Informed Consent From |
YMH | Youth Mental Health |
YMHB | Youth Mental Health Building |
bin | twice a night (bis in noctis) |
inf. | infant |
mg/dl | milligrams per deciliter |