What is the meaning of VWA medical abbreviation?

What is the medical definition of VWA abbreviation?

The VWA abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. Below is the meaning of VWA abbreviation in medical terms.

VWA medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In medicine, the medical term VWA stands for von Willebrand A domain.

VWA: von Willebrand A domain

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADAPTAdaptive Developmentally-Appropriate Practice Theory
AGTTAbnormal glucose tolerance test
AMSRAmerican Medical Sales and Repair
ARAAerosol Liquid with Adapter
ASOTAnti-Streptococcal Titre
BBGBaby Blood Group
BIPAPBi-Level Positive Airway Pressure
BMPBasic metabolic panel. Electrolytes (potassium, sodium, carbon dioxide, and chloride) and creatinine and glucose.
BTCMBasics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
BUCMBeijing University of Chinese Medicine
CANDCanadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors
CCBCalcium Channel Blocker
CHCLCommunity Health Center of Lubbock
CLAACanadian Latex Allergy Association
CPPVcontinuous positive pressure ventilation
CXRChest X-Ray
CoVIDCorona Virus Infected Disease
DiGDiGeorge syndrome
EDCAMEducational Development for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Reston, VA)
EDGWEsthetic Dental Group of Westport
EJCNEuropean Journal of Clinical Nutrition
EMSEmergency Medical System
ERDAEnergy Research and Development Administration
FCRLFamily and Community Resilience Laboratory
FMRFamily Medical Records
FPHCFranklin Primary Health Center
FeIron (element)
GABRB3GABAA receptor gene
GEMPGraduate Entry Medical Programme
GNDCGreater Nashua Dental Connection
GUHGalway University Hospitals group
HCAPhealthcare associated pneumonia
HCSVHealth Care Services and Value
HINAHealth Information Network Australia
HPMLHealth Policy Management and Leadership
HWFHealth Wellness and Fitness
HbFHemoglobin F
HgbA1cglycosylated hemoglobin
I+With Ionic Contrast (in reference to a CAT Scan)
IBLIndustrial Biotechnology Laboratory
IMHMIndiana Medical History Museum
JCHAJoint Commission on Hospital Accreditation
JDMGJohn Deere Medical Group
LGleft gluteal/gluteus
LRLTLiving Related Liver Transplantation
M. tbmycobacterium tuberculosis
MDADMaternal depression and anxiety disorders
MFOAMedical Front Office Assistant
MTBmycobacterium tuberculosis
NAAnucleic acid amplification
NADNo Apparent Distress; No Acute Disease
NCFLNanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory
NHFANational Health Freedom Action
NSSIBNon-Suicidal Self-Injurious Behavior
P VAXPneumococcal Vaccination
PAHpara-aminohippurate; polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon
PAWPpulmonary artery wedge pressure
PCCUpost cardiac cath unit
PGMCProvidence General Medical Center
PHDLPublic Health Dynamics Lab
PMHCSPerinatal Mental Health Consultation Service
PMHVProgram in Medicine and Human Values
PPTPPatient Physician Trust Partnership
PSHPast Surgical History
REFRadiology Education Foundation
RHEMReproductive Health Essential Medicines
RRPRadical Retropubic Prostatectomy
RVCTreport of verified case tuberculosis
SAMACOSafety Maintenance and Control
SHEMSafety Health Environmental Manager
SIPPASaskatchewan International Physician Practice Assessment
SMRFSummer Medical Research Fellowship
SMTPShe Makes Transferable Protein
SRPSurveillance Research Program
TCPtranscutaneous pacer; tumor control probability; thrombocytopenia
TFADTime to First Antibiotic Dose
THQATexas Health Quality Alliance
TOSHATennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration
UCBumbilical cord blood
UVAultraviolet A (rays)
VSMMCVicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
WHOWorld Health Organization
YHCYouth Health Care
sigsignal; label; signature

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