What does DFSP medical abbreviation mean?

What is the medical term DFSP?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation DFSP. However, what is the medical term DFSP?

What does DFSP medical abbreviation mean?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation DFSP means dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.

DFSP: dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACLSAdvanced Cardiac Life Support
BRAOBranch Retinal Artery Occlusion
BRMbiological response modifier
BUEboth upper extremities
BVTbilateral ventilation tube(s)
BtBacillus thuringiensis
COPDChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
D/TDue To
DPAdual-photon absorptiometry; Data Protection Act
DUBdysfunctional uterine bleeding
EDLextensor digitorum longus
EMSEmergency Medical System
ESDelectrostatic discharge
F&NFebrile and Neutropenic
GDMgestational diabetes mellitus
GHRHgrowth hormone-releasing hormone
GSRgalvanic skin response
HAMRSAhealthcare associated with MRSA
HHHiatal Hernia
HSGhysterosalpingogram; herpes simplex, genitalis
IBMinclusion body myositis
IMRTintensity-modulated radiation therapy
InFeDiron dextran
LCFleft cubital fossa
LHCLeft Heart Cath
MISmanagement information system/service; misoprostol
MLPAmultiplex ligation dependent probe amplification
MONAmorphine, oxygen, nitrates, aspirin
NECnecrotizing enterocolitis; not elsewhere classified
OPHSoffice of public health and science
P&Ppins and plaster
PBApseudobulbar affect
PDTphotodynamic therapy
PIPOTpersons in positions of trust
PSLperipheral saline lock
PWBpartial weight bearing
R&Rrate and rhythm
SATserum agglutination test
TBItraumatic brain injury
TmThulium (element)
VEvaccine efficacy; vaginal exam
VSVital Signs
WCTwide complex tachycardia
dsDNAdouble-stranded DNA