What is the UOQ medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation UOQ stand for?

The UOQ abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation UOQ mean?

What does UOQ medical abbreviation mean?

In science & medicine, it is upper outer quadrant the medical abbreviation UOQ stands for.

UOQ: upper outer quadrant

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BRMbiological response modifier
C/TGcholesterol/triglyceride ratio
CIScarcinoma in situ
CSPcarotid sinus pressure
CYSchildren and youth services
D&CDilatation and Currettage
EDErectile Dysfunction
EMBendometrial biopsy; ethmbutol
G-CSFgranulocyte-colony stimulating factor
HBheart block
HER2human epidermal growth factor receptor 2
HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HRAhealth risk assessment
HUSHemolytic Uremic Syndrome
ITBiliotibial band
LC-MSliquid chromatography mass spectrometry
LUAleft upper arm
MBCmaximum breathing capacity
MOAmemorandum of agreement; mechanism of action
MTPJmetatarsophalangeal joint
MVRMitral Valve Replacement
NDCnational drug code
NECnecrotizing enterocolitis; not elsewhere classified
NIFNegative Inspiratory Force
PAFparoxysmal atrial fibrillation; platelet activating factor
PEPpost-exposure prophylaxis; phosphoenolpyruvate; pancreatic enzyme product
PRBperformance review board
PRITposterior resection of inferior turbinates
QHSEvery Night
Rbcsred blood cells
SCADschizoaffective disorder; short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
SLRStraight Leg Raise
SOBOEshort of breath on exertion
SRIserotonin reuptake inhibitor
SiPAPsynchronized inspiratory positive airway pressure
TACtime, amount, character (emesis, bleeding, drainage, etc.)
U/Lupper and lower
USPUnited States Pharmacopeia
qdevery day, once daily
varvariation, variety