What does ITT medical abbreviation mean?

What does the abbreviation ITT stand for in medical terms?

In some cases, the abbreviation ITT may have a few different meanings. However, what does the abbreviation ITT stand for in medical terms?

What is the ITT medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation ITT stands for insulin tolerance test; intent to treat.

ITT: insulin tolerance test; intent to treat

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C2second cervical vertebra
CBFcerebral blood flow
CLLChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
CMFcyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil
CMRChief Medical Resident
CUmcubic micron
DURdrug utilization review
EGFepidermal growth factor
EICEpidermal Inclusion Cyst
EMT-Pemergency medical technician paramedic
ENTotorhinolaryngology/otolaryngologist; ear, nose and throat
EOSend of study
FFPFresh Frozen Plasma
HCGHuman Chorionic Gonadotropin
HDNhemolytic disease of the newborn
HGAhuman granulocytic anaplasmosis
HNVhas not voided
HeHelium (element)
ICERincremental cost effectiveness ratio
IMVintermittent mandatory ventilation
IPSPinhibitory postsynaptic potential
LD50lethal dose at which 50% of animal test group dies
LMOliving modified organism
MAEmoving all extremities
MEFRmaximum expiratory flow rate
NHCNational Health Council
NSUnonspecific urethritis; non-specific urethritis
NVnausea and vomiting
OMFSoral and maxillofacial surgery
OORout of room
PCNpenicillin; primary care network
PIPOTpersons in positions of trust
RHDRheumatic Heart Disease
RLWright lateral wrist
SASino-Atrial; Staph Aureus
SCADschizoaffective disorder; short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
TIPSTransvenous Intrahepatic Porto-Systemic Shunt
UECurgent and emergency care
WAPwandering atrial pacer; written action plan
mg/dlmilligrams per deciliter
nutrnutrition; nutritionist
radradical; root (radix); radial